"Fundamentalnaya i Prikladnaya Matematika"
("Fundamental and Applied Mathematics")

Volume 20 (2015), Number 5

Proceedings of the 5th All-Russian Symposium "Abelian Groups"
(Biysk, August 20th--25th, 2012)

To the 65th Birthday of Professor Alexander Alexandrovich Fomin 3-9
A. A. Agafonov, A. M. Sebeldin
Determination of Abelian groups by their multiplication groups 11-16
S. V. Vershina
Indecomposable p-local torsion-free groups with quadratic and cubic splitting fields 17-29
V. K. Vildanov
On determinability of a completely decomposable torsion-free Abelian group by its automorphism group 31-37
S. Ya. Grinshpon, I. E. Grinshpon
Normal determinability of torsion-free Abelian groups by their holomorphs 39-55
O. I. Davydova
Homomorphisms of rank-1 quotient divisible groups 57-60
E. V. Kaigorodov, P. A. Krylov
On some classes of Hopfian Abelian groups and modules 61-68
V. A. Kolpakova, A. S. Kondrat'ev
On finite nonsolvable 5-primary groups with disconnected Gruenberg--Kegel graph such that |π(G/F(G))| ≤ 4 69-87
J. V. Kochetova
Radical properties of lattice K-ordered algebras 89-93
P. A. Krylov
Determinants of generalized matrices of order 2 95-112
N. I. Kryuchkov
Compact groups that are duals of quotient divisible Abelian groups 113-119
O. V. Lyubimtsev
Algebraically compact Abelian groups with UA-rings of endomorphisms 121-129
V. M. Misyakov
On some properties of endomorphism rings of Abelian groups 131-139
K. S. Sorokin
Self-small SP-groups with clean endomorphism rings 141-148
E. A. Timoshenko
Base fields of csp-rings. II 149-156
A. A. Fomin
On the quotient divisible group theory. II 157-196
K.-T. Howell, D. S. Chistyakov
On the theory of near-vector spaces 197-202
A. V. Tsarev
T-rings 203-207
A. V. Cherednikova
On the quasi-endomorphism rings of quasi-decomposable torsion-free Abelian groups of rank 4 with a strongly indecomposable quasi-summand of rank 2 209-225
A. R. Chekhlov
On Abelian groups with commutative commutators of endomorphisms 227-233
V. A. Shary, A. M. Sebeldin, B. Mansare
On the problem on slow entrance of a flat piston in compressed liquid 235-242

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Last modified: December 12, 2016