"Fundamentalnaya i Prikladnaya Matematika"
("Fundamental and Applied Mathematics")

Volume 21 (2016), Number 2

Algebra and Its Applications, I
(Dedicated to the 75th Birthday of Professor A. V. Mikhalev)

V. A. Artamonov, A. V. Klimakov, A. A. Mikhalev, A. V. Mikhalev
Primitive and almost primitive elements of Schreier varieties 3-35
E. I. Bunina, N. V. Yugay
Elementary equivalence of endomorphism monoids of almost free S-acts 37-52
E. M. Vechtomov, A. V. Mikhalev, V. V. Sidorov
Semirings of continuous functions 53-131
K. A. Vyatkina, A. N. Panov
U-projectors and fields of U-invariants 133-144
O. V. Gerasimova, Yu. P. Razmyslov
Rolling simplexes and their commensurability. IV. (A farewell to arms!) 145-156
A. Yu. Golubkov
The Kostrikin radical and similar radicals of Lie algebras 157-180
I. A. Groo
A linear basis of the free Akivis algebra 181-186
A. L. Kanunnikov
Goldie rings graded by a group with periodic quotient group modulo the center 187-191
A. R. Mayorova
Uniqueness of addition in Lie algebras of Chevalley type over rings with 1/2 and 1/3 193-216
S. M. Ratseev
Numerical characteristics of varieties of Poisson algebras 217-242
V. V. Tenzina
The intersection of the powers of the topological Jacobson radical and topological Krull dimension 243-252
A. A. Tuganbaev
Bezout rings, annihilators, and diagonalizability 253-256
V. D. Shmatkov
Isomorphisms of groups of invertible elements of incidence algebras 257-261

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Location: http://mech.math.msu.su/~fpm/eng/k16/k162/
Last modified: December 3, 2017