"Fundamentalnaya i Prikladnaya Matematika"
("Fundamental and Applied Mathematics")

Volume 22 (2019), Number 5

Abelian Groups and Rings

Leonid Yakovlevich Kulikov (1914--2001) 3-5
L. Ya. Kulikov and the Reform of Mathematical Education in Pedagogical Higher Education Institutions 7-9
A. A. Agafonov, N. F. Kamara, A. M. Sebeldin, D. A. Sebeldin, S. L. Fofana
Malt groups of Abelian groups 11-15
E. A. Blagoveshchenskaya, A. V. Filimonov, A. E. Trifonov
Near isomorphism for countable rank torsion-free Abelian groups 17-28
S. Ya. Grinshpon, M. M. Nikolskaya
Abelian groups isomorphic to a proper fully invariant subgroup 29-53
O. A. Karpov
Correlation between E-groups and properties of n-multiplications on Abelian groups 55-63
T. G. Kemoklidze
The lattice of fully invariant subgroups of a cotorsion group 65-73
T. G. Kemoklidze
To the question of full transitivity of a cotorsion hull 75-80
I. B. Kozhukhov, A. V. Tsarev
Abelian groups with finitely approximated acts 81-89
E. I. Kompantseva, Pham Thi Thu Thuy
Absolute ideals of algebraically compact Abelian groups 91-114
A. S. Kondrat'ev
Recognizability by prime graph of the group 2E6(2) 115-120
O. V. Lyubimtsev
On a class of quotient divisible Abelian groups with isomorphic endomorphism semigroups 121-130
V. M. Misyakov
On generalizations of quasi-isomorphism on Abelian groups 131-138
V. M. Misyakov
On vanishing of the homomorphism group of Abelian groups 139-143
T. A. Pushkova
Definability of completely decomposable torsion-free Abelian groups by semigroups of endomorphism and groups of homomorphisms 145-152
A. G. Tisovsky
Mixed idempotent Abelian groups 153-157
A. V. Cherednikova
Quasi-endomorphism rings of some quasi-decomposable torsion-free Abelian groups of rank 4 159-176
A. R. Chekhlov
On projectively fully transitive Abelian groups 177-189
A. R. Chekhlov
On weakly transitive torsion-free Abelian groups 191-194
I. A. Shilin, J. Choi
Some formulas for ordinary and hyper Bessel--Clifford functions related to the proper Lorentz group 195-208
A. Yu. Golubkov
Algebraic Lie algebras of bounded degree 209-242
E. I. Kompantseva
Rings on vector Abelian groups 243-258
M. V. Kondratieva
A bound for a typical differential dimension of systems of linear differential equations 259-269

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Location: http://mech.math.msu.su/~fpm/eng/k19/k195/
Last modified: November 3, 2020