"Fundamentalnaya i Prikladnaya Matematika"
("Fundamental and Applied Mathematics")

Volume 24 (2022), Number 1

Algebraic Structures and Informatics
Part 1

B. Bakhadly, A. Guterman, M. J. de la Puente
Normal tropical (0, -1)-matrices and their orthogonal sets 5--30
E. A. Blagoveshchenskaya, A. V. Mikhalev
Influence of the Baer--Kaplansky theorem on the development of the theory of groups, rings, and modules 31--123
E. M. Vechtomov, E. N. Lubyagina
Subalgebras in semirings of continuous partial real-valued functions 125--140
A. Yu. Golubkov
Heredity of radicals and ideals of algebras generated by subideals and subinvariant subalgebras 141--163
M. V. Kondratieva
Some properties of coefficients of the Kolchin dimension polynomial 165--176
A. V. Mikhalev, E. E. Shirshova
Interpolation pseudo-ordered rings 177--191
L. M. Tsybulya
Basic T-spaces in the relatively free Grassmann algebra without unity 193--208

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Location: http://mech.math.msu.su/~fpm/eng/k22/k221/
Last modified: October 3, 2022