// // This is a simple example of using semaphores // for thread synchronization. // // The first thread reads a line from stdin and // passes it to the second thread. // // The second thread inverts a line and prints it to stdout. // // The first line uses the semaphore "inputReady" // to inform the second thread that a line is ready. // // The second thread uses the semaphore "invertReady" // to inform the first thread that it is ready to process // a next line. // #include #include #include #include #include // Thread body functions void* runInput(void* arg); // First thread (input a line) void* runInvert(void* arg); // Second thread (invert a line) static char line[256]; static bool finished = false; static sem_t inputReady; static sem_t invertReady; int main() { pthread_t inputThread, invertThread; // Initialize semaphores int res = sem_init( &inputReady, // semaphore 0, // shared between processes: No 0 // initial value: input is not ready ); if (res != 0) { perror("Could not initialize the first semaphore"); return -1; } res = sem_init( &invertReady, // semaphore 0, // shared between processes: No 1 // initial value: invert server is ready ); if (res != 0) { perror("Could not initialize the second semaphore"); return -1; } // Create the first thread res = pthread_create( &inputThread, // Thread identifier NULL, // Thread attributes: using defaults &runInput, // Thread start function NULL // Parameter to be passed to thread function ); if (res != 0) { perror("Cannot create the first thread"); exit(1); } // Create the second thread res = pthread_create(&invertThread, NULL, &runInvert, NULL); if (res != 0) { perror("Cannot create the second thread"); exit(1); } // Wait until threads terminate pthread_join( inputThread, // Thread ID NULL // Location to store the return value of thread: not used ); pthread_join(invertThread, NULL); sem_destroy(&inputReady); sem_destroy(&invertReady); return 0; } void* runInput(void*) { int l; while (true) { // Wait until second thread is ready sem_wait(&invertReady); // Read a line from input stream printf("Thread 1: Input a line (empty for exit):\n"); fgets(line, 255, stdin); // Remove "\r\n" at the end of line l = strlen(line); if (l > 0 && line[l-1] == '\n') { line[l-1] = 0; --l; } if (l > 0 && line[l-1] == '\r') { line[l-1] = 0; --l; } if (l == 0) // Finish on empty line finished = true; // Pass a line to second thread sem_post(&inputReady); if (finished) break; } return NULL; } void* runInvert(void*) { int i, l; while (true) { // Wait until an input line is ready sem_wait(&inputReady); // Invert a line l = strlen(line); for (i = 0; i < l/2; ++i) { char tmp = line[i]; line[i] = line[l-i-1]; line[l-i-1] = tmp; } // Print an inverted line printf("Thread 2: inverted line:\n%s\n", line); // Inform the first thread that the second thread is // ready to process a next line sem_post(&invertReady); if (finished) break; } return NULL; }