from tkinter import * from R2Graph import * def main(): rootWindow = Tk() rootWindow.title("Triangle") rootWindow.geometry("800x600") points = [] panel = Frame(rootWindow) drawArea = Canvas(rootWindow, bg="lightBlue") def clear(): drawArea.delete("all") points.clear() clearButton = Button(panel, text="Clear", command=clear) def drawTriangle(): if len(points) >= 3: # drawArea.delete("all") drawArea.create_line( points[0].x, points[0].y, points[1].x, points[1].y, points[2].x, points[2].y, points[0].x, points[0].y, fill="blue", width=2 ) (center, radius, bisectrixes) = inCircle(points) # Draw an inscribed circle drawArea.create_oval( center.x - radius, center.y - radius, center.x + radius, center.y + radius, fill="", outline="red", width=2 ) # Draw bisectrixes for i in range(3): drawArea.create_line( points[i].x, points[i].y, bisectrixes[i].x, bisectrixes[i].y, fill="darkGreen", width=1 ) # Draw the center of circle drawArea.create_oval( center.x - 4, center.y - 4, center.x + 4, center.y + 4, fill="red", outline="red" ) drawButton = Button(panel, text="Draw", command=drawTriangle) panel.pack(fill=X, padx=4, pady=4) clearButton.pack(side=LEFT) drawButton.pack(side=LEFT) drawArea.pack(fill=BOTH, side=TOP, expand=True, padx=4, pady=4) def click(e): if len(points) >= 3: clear() points.append(R2Point(e.x, e.y)) drawArea.create_line( e.x - 8, e.y, e.x + 8, e.y, fill="red", width=3 ) drawArea.create_line( e.x, e.y-8, e.x, e.y+8, fill="red", width=3 ) drawArea.bind("", click) rootWindow.mainloop() # Compute bisectrixes of triangle and # a center & radius of inscribed circle def inCircle(vertices): bisectrixes = [] for i in range(3): iPrev = i - 1 if iPrev < 0: iPrep = 2 iNext = i + 1 if iNext >= 3: iNext = 0 vPrev = (vertices[iPrev] - vertices[i]).normalized() vNext = (vertices[iNext] - vertices[i]).normalized() b = vPrev + vNext # The direction vector of i-th bisectrix # The point of bisectrix is calculated as intersection of 2 lines, # where a line is defined by a point and a direction vector (_, bisectrix) = intersectLines( vertices[i], b, # line of bisectrix vertices[iPrev], # side of triangle vertices[iNext] - vertices[iPrev] ) bisectrixes.append(bisectrix) # A circle center is an intersection of 2 bisectrixes (_, center) = intersectLines( vertices[0], bisectrixes[0] - vertices[0], vertices[1], bisectrixes[1] - vertices[1] ) # The circle radius equals to the distance from the center # to the first side of triangle radius = center.distanceToLine( vertices[0], vertices[1] - vertices[0] ) return (center, radius, bisectrixes) if __name__ == "__main__": main()