from tkinter import * from R2Graph import * import math import numpy as np from sklearn.linear_model import HuberRegressor, LinearRegression def func(p, x): return np.polyval(p, x) def main(): points = [] mouseButtons = [] objectIDs = [] linearPlotID = (-1) huberPlotID = (-1) pol = np.array([]) scaleX = 40.; scaleY = 40. root = Tk() root.title("Linear Regression") root.geometry("800x600") panel = Frame(root) drawButton = Button(panel, text="Draw") clearButton = Button(panel, text="Clear") drawArea = Canvas(root, bg="white") panel.pack(side=TOP, fill=X) drawButton.pack(side=LEFT, padx=4, pady=4) clearButton.pack(side=LEFT, padx=4, pady=4) drawArea.pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH, expand=True, padx=4, pady=4) degree = 1 degreeLabel = Label(panel, text="Degree:") scale = Scale(panel, from_=1, to=10, orient=HORIZONTAL) scale.set(degree) degreeLabel.pack(side=LEFT, padx=4, pady=4) scale.pack(side=LEFT, padx=4, pady=4) lossFunctionIdx = IntVar(0) lossFunctionMSERadio = Radiobutton( panel, text = "MSE", variable=lossFunctionIdx, value=0, fg = "darkBlue" ) lossFunctionHuberRadio = Radiobutton( panel, text = "Huber", variable=lossFunctionIdx, value=1, fg = "darkRed" ) lossFunctionMSERadio.pack(side=LEFT, padx=4, pady=4) lossFunctionHuberRadio.pack(side=LEFT, padx=4, pady=4) root.update() def map(t): w = drawArea.winfo_width() h = drawArea.winfo_height() centerX = w/2. centerY = h/2. x = centerX + t.x*scaleX y = centerY - t.y*scaleY return (x, y) def invmap(p): w = drawArea.winfo_width() h = drawArea.winfo_height() centerX = w/2. centerY = h/2. x = (p[0] - centerX)/scaleX y = (centerY - p[1])/scaleY return R2Point(x, y) def xMin(): w = drawArea.winfo_width() return (-(w/scaleX)/2.) def xMax(): return (-xMin()) def yMin(): w = drawArea.winfo_height() return (-(w/scaleY)/2.) def yMax(): return (-yMin()) def drawGrid(): ix0 = int(xMin()) ix1 = int(xMax()) x = ix0 while x <= ix1: if x != 0: p0 = map(R2Point(x, yMin())) p1 = map(R2Point(x, yMax())) drawArea.create_line(p0, p1, fill="lightGray", width=1) x += 1 iy0 = int(yMin()) iy1 = int(yMax()) y = iy0 while y <= iy1: if y != 0: p0 = map(R2Point(xMin(), y)) p1 = map(R2Point(xMax(), y)) drawArea.create_line(p0, p1, fill="lightGray", width=1) y += 1 # Draw x-axis drawArea.create_line( map(R2Point(xMin(), 0.)), map(R2Point(xMax(), 0.)), fill="black", width=2 ) # Draw y-axis drawArea.create_line( map(R2Point(0., yMin())), map(R2Point(0., yMax())), fill="black", width=2 ) def plotFunction(): nonlocal linearPlotID, huberPlotID if len(pol) == 0: return lossFunc = lossFunctionIdx.get() if lossFunc == 0: color = "blue" else: color = "red" t = R2Point(xMin(), func(pol, xMin())) dx = 0.05 path = [] while t.x <= xMax(): path.append(map(t)) t.x += dx t.y = func(pol, t.x) plotID = drawArea.create_line(path, fill=color, width=2) if lossFunc == 0: linearPlotID = plotID else: huberPlotID = plotID def onMouseRelease(e): # print("Mouse release event:", e) p = (e.x, e.y) t = invmap(p) points.append(t) mouseButtons.append(e.num) drawPoint(t, e.num) def drawPoint(t, mouseButton = 1): vx = R2Vector(0.2, 0.) vy = R2Vector(0., 0.2) color = "red" if mouseButton == 2: color = "green" elif mouseButton == 3: color = "magenta" lineID = drawArea.create_line( map(t - vx), map(t + vx), fill=color, width=2 ) objectIDs.append(lineID) lineID = drawArea.create_line( map(t - vy), map(t + vy), fill=color, width=2 ) objectIDs.append(lineID) def drawPoints(): for i in range(len(points)): drawPoint(points[i], mouseButtons[i]) def onDraw(): nonlocal pol, degree, linearPlotID, huberPlotID lossFunc = lossFunctionIdx.get() # clearPicture() if lossFunc == 0 and linearPlotID >= 0: drawArea.delete(linearPlotID) if lossFunc != 0 and huberPlotID >= 0: drawArea.delete(huberPlotID) degree = scale.get() m = len(points) if m == 0: return # y = np.array([points[i].y for i in range(m)]) y = np.array([points[i].y for i in range(m)]) print("y =", y) a = np.vander([points[i].x for i in range(m)], degree + 1) print("a =", a) """ pinv_a = np.linalg.pinv(a) print("pinv_a =", pinv_a) pol = """ if lossFunc == 0: linear_reg = LinearRegression(fit_intercept=False) y = y.reshape([-1, 1]), y) pol = [linear_reg.coef_[0][i] for i in range(degree + 1)] else: huber_reg = HuberRegressor(fit_intercept=False), y) pol = [huber_reg.coef_[i] for i in range(degree + 1)] print("pol =", pol) plotFunction() def clearPicture(): nonlocal linearPlotID, huberPlotID for i in objectIDs: drawArea.delete(i) objectIDs.clear() if linearPlotID >= 0: drawArea.delete(linearPlotID) linearPlotID = (-1) if huberPlotID >= 0: drawArea.delete(huberPlotID) huberPlotID = (-1) def onClear(): nonlocal linearPlotID, huberPlotID clearPicture() points.clear() mouseButtons.clear() linearPlotID = (-1) huberPlotID = (-1) def onConfigure(e): drawArea.delete("all") drawGrid() drawPoints() drawButton.configure(command = onDraw) clearButton.configure(command = onClear) scale.configure(command = lambda e: onDraw()) drawArea.bind("", onMouseRelease) drawArea.bind("", onMouseRelease) drawArea.bind("", onMouseRelease) drawArea.bind("", onConfigure) drawGrid() # plotFunction() root.mainloop() if __name__ == "__main__": main()