from tkinter import * from tkinter import filedialog from PIL import Image, ImageTk import os import random import numpy as np from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor def main(): image = None imageFilePath = None scaledImage = None photoImage = None imageSize = (0, 0) zoom = 1. root = Tk() root.title("Transform Image with Decision Trees") root.geometry("900x600") panel = Frame(root) panel.pack(side=TOP, fill=X) browseLabel = Label(panel, text="Image:") imagePath = StringVar() imageEntry = Entry( panel, bg="white", textvariable=imagePath, width=40 ) browseButton = Button(panel, text="Browse...") loadButton = Button(panel, text="Reload image") browseLabel.pack(side=LEFT, padx=4, pady=4) imageEntry.pack(side=LEFT, fill=X, expand=True, padx=4, pady=4) browseButton.pack(side=LEFT, padx=4, pady=4) loadButton.pack(side=LEFT, padx=4, pady=4) panel2 = Frame(root) panel2.pack(side=TOP, fill=X) depthLabel = Label(panel2, text="Maximal tree depth:") depthVar = IntVar(value=5) depthEntry = Entry( panel2, bg="white", textvariable=depthVar, width=10 ) transformButton = Button(panel2, text="Transform") saveButton = Button(panel2, text="Save image") depthLabel.pack(side=LEFT, padx=4, pady=4) depthEntry.pack(side=LEFT, padx=4, pady=4) transformButton.pack(side=LEFT, padx=4, pady=4) saveButton.pack(side=RIGHT, padx=4, pady=4) drawArea = Canvas(root, bg="white") drawArea.pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH, expand=True, padx=4, pady=4) def browse(): nonlocal imageFilePath path = filedialog.askopenfilename( parent=root, title="Select an image file:" ) # print("Selected:", imageFile) if path != None: imageFilePath = path imagePath.set(path) loadImage() browseButton.configure(command=browse) def loadImage(): nonlocal image, scaledImage, photoImage, imageSize, zoom path = imagePath.get() if path == None or path == "": return im ="RGB") if im == None: print("Cannot open an image file") return image = im imageSize = image.size scaleImage() redraw() loadButton.configure(command=loadImage) imageEntry.bind("", lambda e: loadImage()) def scaleImage(): nonlocal scaledImage, photoImage, zoom w = drawArea.winfo_width() h = drawArea.winfo_height() if w == 0: w = 1 if h == 0: h = 1 # Scale the big image to fit in the window zoom = 1. image_width = float(imageSize[0]); image_height = float(imageSize[1]) if image_width > w: zoom = w/image_width image_width *= zoom image_height *= zoom if image_height > h: zoom2 = h/image_height image_width *= zoom2 image_height *= zoom2 zoom *= zoom2 if zoom < 1.: scaledImage = image.resize( (int(image_width), int(image_height)) ) photoImage = ImageTk.PhotoImage(scaledImage) else: photoImage = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image) def redraw(): drawArea.delete("all") if photoImage != None: w = drawArea.winfo_width() h = drawArea.winfo_height() drawArea.create_image(w/2, h/2, anchor=CENTER, image=photoImage) def onConfigure(e): if image == None: return scaleImage() redraw() drawArea.bind("", onConfigure) def onTransform(): '''Transform the image using Decision Trees''' if image == None: return depth = depthVar.get() if depth < 2: depth = 2 depthVar.set(value = depth) showWatchCursor(); redModel = DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth = depth) greenModel = DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth = depth) blueModel = DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth = depth) imageMatrix = list(image.getdata()) (imageWidth, imageHeight) = imageSize X = np.array( [[0., 0.] for i in range(imageWidth*imageHeight)] ) YRed = np.array( [0. for i in range(imageWidth*imageHeight)] ) YGreen = np.array( [0. for i in range(imageWidth*imageHeight)] ) YBlue = np.array( [0. for i in range(imageWidth*imageHeight)] ) i = 0 for y in range(imageHeight): for x in range(imageWidth): # srcPixel = imageMatrix[y*imageWidth + x] srcPixel = imageMatrix[i] X[i][0] = float(y) X[i][1] = float(x) YRed[i] = srcPixel[0] YGreen[i] = srcPixel[1] YBlue[i] = srcPixel[2] i += 1, YRed), YGreen), YBlue) YRed_predicted = redModel.predict(X) YGreen_predicted = greenModel.predict(X) YBlue_predicted = blueModel.predict(X) # We use the white background newPixels = [(255, 255, 255) for i in range(imageWidth*imageHeight)] i = 0 for y in range(imageHeight): for x in range(imageWidth): newPixels[i] = ( round(YRed_predicted[i]), round(YGreen_predicted[i]), round(YBlue_predicted[i]) ) i += 1 image.putdata(newPixels) scaleImage() redraw() restoreCursor() transformButton.configure(command = onTransform) depthEntry.bind("", lambda e: onTransform()) def onSave(): if image == None: return # Add the "_edited" suffix to the file name # To do this, parse the file path # 1. Find the file extension pos = len(imageFilePath) - 1 while ( pos > 0 and imageFilePath[pos] != '.' and imageFilePath[pos] != '/' and imageFilePath[pos] != '\\' ): pos -= 1 if imageFilePath[pos] == '/' or imageFilePath[pos] == '\\': pos += 1 if imageFilePath[pos] != '.': dotPos = pos fileExt = "" pos = len(imageFilePath) - 1 else: dotPos = pos fileExt = imageFilePath[dotPos:] pos -= 1 # 2. Find the file name and directory while ( pos > 0 and imageFilePath[pos] != '/' and imageFilePath[pos] != '\\' ): pos -= 1 if imageFilePath[pos] == '/' or imageFilePath[pos] == '\\': namePos = pos + 1 fileName = imageFilePath[namePos:dotPos] directory = imageFilePath[:(namePos-1)] else: fileName = imageFilePath[:dotPos] directory = "" print( "directory:", directory, "fileName:", fileName, "fileExt:", fileExt ) dstFileName = fileName + "_edited" + fileExt path = filedialog.asksaveasfilename( parent=root, title="Save an image file:", initialdir = directory, initialfile = dstFileName # defaultextension = ".png" ) print("Selected to save as:", path) saveButton.configure(command = onSave) def showWatchCursor(): try: root.configure(cursor="watch") # Wait cursor in all system, except: # but NOT in MS Windows try: root.configure(cursor="wait") # Wait cursor in MS Windows except: pass root.update() def restoreCursor(): root.configure(cursor="") root.mainloop() if __name__ == "__main__": main()