from tkinter import * from R2Graph import * import math import numpy as np import itertools from copy import deepcopy from scipy.optimize import minimize from sklearn.svm import SVC SCALEX = 40. SCALEY = SCALEX STEPX = 5./SCALEX # 5 pixels STEPY = 5./SCALEX polynomialDegree = 2 numFeatures = 6 # For quadratic polynomial # numFeatures = 10 # For cubic polynomial hyperPlane = np.array([0.]*(numFeatures+1)) coef0 = 1. classifier = SVC(kernel="poly", degree=polynomialDegree, coef0=coef0) useKernelClassifier = False def classifierValue(p): if not useKernelClassifier: w = hyperPlane[:-1] b = hyperPlane[-1] features = extendedFeatures(p, polynomialDegree) return, features) - b else: x = np.array([[p.x, p.y]]) # return classifier.predict(x) return classifier.decision_function(x) def levelFunction(x, y): if not useKernelClassifier: return classifierValue(R2Point(x, y)) else: p = np.array([[x, y]]) # p = p.reshape(1, -1) # return classifier.predict(p) return classifier.decision_function(p) def monomials(x, d): '''Return an array of all monomials in variables x[0], ..., x[n-1] of degree <= d''' res = [1.] for deg in range(1, d+1): for c in itertools.combinations_with_replacement(x, deg): res.append( return np.array(res) def extendedFeatures(p, d): return monomials(p, d) def extendFeatures(p): '''p is a point: p = (x, y) Add the polynomial features: (1, x, y, x^2, xy, y^2)''' return extendFeaturesCubic(p) ### For cubic polynomial x = p[0]; y = p[1] return np.array([ 1., x, y, x*x, x*y, y*y ]) def extendFeaturesCubic(p): '''p is a point: p = (x, y) Add the polynomial features: (1, x, y, x^2, xy, y^2, x^3, x^2y, xy^2, y^3)''' x = p[0]; y = p[1] return np.array([ 1., x, y, x*x, x*y, y*y, x*x*x, x*x*y, x*y*y, y*y*y ]) def main(): points = [] mouseButtons = [] objectIDs = [] levelLineIDs = [] scaleX = SCALEX; scaleY = SCALEY root = Tk() root.title("Support Vector Machine") root.geometry("900x600") panel = Frame(root) panel2 = Frame(root) drawButton = Button(panel, text="Draw") clearButton = Button(panel, text="Clear") drawArea = Canvas(root, bg="white") panel.pack(side=TOP, fill=X) panel2.pack(side=TOP, fill=X) drawButton.pack(side=LEFT, padx=4, pady=4) clearButton.pack(side=LEFT, padx=4, pady=4) drawArea.pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH, expand=True, padx=4, pady=4) cLabel = Label(panel, text="C:") scaleC = Scale( panel, from_=0.1, to=20., resolution=0.1, orient=HORIZONTAL, length=200 ) scaleC.set(10.) cLabel.pack(side=LEFT, padx=4, pady=4) scaleC.pack(side=LEFT, padx=4, pady=4) lossFuncLabel = Label(panel, text="Loss func:") lossFuncLabel.pack(side=LEFT, padx=4, pady=4) lossFuncIdx = IntVar() # Control variable for the group of radio buttons lossFuncIdx.set(1) lossFunction = hingeLoss2 def setLossFunc(): nonlocal lossFunction idx = lossFuncIdx.get() if idx == 0: lossFunction = hingeLoss print("Using Hinge Loss") elif idx == 1: lossFunction = hingeLoss2 print("Using Hinge Loss Square") elif idx == 2: lossFunction = logisticLoss print("Using Logistic Loss") # if len(points) > 0: # onDraw() polynomialLabel = Label(panel2, text="Polynomial degree:") polynomialScale = Scale( panel2, from_=1, to=5, resolution=1, orient=HORIZONTAL, length=200 ) polynomialScale.set(2) polynomialLabel.pack(side=LEFT, padx=4, pady=4) polynomialScale.pack(side=LEFT, padx=4, pady=4) useKernel = IntVar(value = 0) useKernelButton = Checkbutton(panel2, text="Use kernel", variable=useKernel) useKernelButton.pack(side=LEFT, padx=4, pady=4) kernelIdx = IntVar(value = 0) kernel = "poly" def setKernel(): nonlocal kernel idx = kernelIdx.get() if idx == 0: kernel = "poly" print("Using 'poly' kernel") elif idx == 1: kernel = "rbf" print("Using 'rbf' kernel") elif idx == 2: kernel = "sigmoid" print("Using 'sigmoid' kernel") # if len(points) > 0: # onDraw() kernelPolyRadio = Radiobutton( panel2, text = "poly", variable=kernelIdx, value=0, command = setKernel ) kernelRbfRadio = Radiobutton( panel2, text = "rbf", variable=kernelIdx, value=1, command = setKernel ) kernelSigmoidRadio = Radiobutton( panel2, text = "sigmoid", variable=kernelIdx, value=2, command = setKernel ) def onChangeDegree(): # if len(points) > 0: # onDraw() pass hingeLossRadio = Radiobutton( panel, text = "Hinge loss", variable=lossFuncIdx, value=0, command = setLossFunc ) hingeLoss2Radio = Radiobutton( panel, text = "Hinge loss square", variable=lossFuncIdx, value=1, command = setLossFunc ) logisticLossRadio = Radiobutton( panel, text = "Logistic loss", variable=lossFuncIdx, value=2, command = setLossFunc ) hingeLossRadio.pack(side=LEFT, padx=4, pady=4) hingeLoss2Radio.pack(side=LEFT, padx=4, pady=4) logisticLossRadio.pack(side=LEFT, padx=4, pady=4) kernelPolyRadio.pack(side=LEFT, padx=4, pady=4) kernelRbfRadio.pack(side=LEFT, padx=4, pady=4) kernelSigmoidRadio.pack(side=LEFT, padx=4, pady=4) coef0Label = Label(panel2, text="Coef0:") scaleCoef0 = Scale( panel2, from_=0., to=10., resolution=0.1, orient=HORIZONTAL, length=100 ) scaleCoef0.set(coef0) coef0Label.pack(side=LEFT, padx=4, pady=4) scaleCoef0.pack(side=LEFT, padx=4, pady=4) root.update() def map(t): w = drawArea.winfo_width() h = drawArea.winfo_height() centerX = w/2. centerY = h/2. x = centerX + t.x*scaleX y = centerY - t.y*scaleY return (x, y) def invmap(p): w = drawArea.winfo_width() h = drawArea.winfo_height() centerX = w/2. centerY = h/2. x = (p[0] - centerX)/scaleX y = (centerY - p[1])/scaleY return R2Point(x, y) def xMin(): w = drawArea.winfo_width() return (-(w/scaleX)/2.) def xMax(): return (-xMin()) def yMin(): w = drawArea.winfo_height() return (-(w/scaleY)/2.) def yMax(): return (-yMin()) def drawGrid(): ix0 = int(xMin()) ix1 = int(xMax()) x = ix0 while x <= ix1: if x != 0: p0 = map(R2Point(x, yMin())) p1 = map(R2Point(x, yMax())) drawArea.create_line(p0, p1, fill="lightGray", width=1) x += 1 iy0 = int(yMin()) iy1 = int(yMax()) y = iy0 while y <= iy1: if y != 0: p0 = map(R2Point(xMin(), y)) p1 = map(R2Point(xMax(), y)) drawArea.create_line(p0, p1, fill="lightGray", width=1) y += 1 # Draw x-axis drawArea.create_line( map(R2Point(xMin(), 0.)), map(R2Point(xMax(), 0.)), fill="black", width=2 ) # Draw y-axis drawArea.create_line( map(R2Point(0., yMin())), map(R2Point(0., yMax())), fill="black", width=2 ) def onMouseRelease(e): # print("Mouse release event:", e) p = (e.x, e.y) t = invmap(p) points.append(t) mouseButtons.append(e.num) drawPoint(t, e.num) def drawPoint(t, mouseButton = 1): vx = R2Vector(0.3, 0.) vy = R2Vector(0., 0.3) color = "red" if mouseButton == 2: color = "green" elif mouseButton == 3: color = "magenta" lineID = drawArea.create_line( map(t - vx), map(t + vx), fill=color, width=3 ) objectIDs.append(lineID) lineID = drawArea.create_line( map(t - vy), map(t + vy), fill=color, width=3 ) objectIDs.append(lineID) def drawPoints(): for i in range(len(points)): drawPoint(points[i], mouseButtons[i]) def onDraw(): nonlocal levelLineIDs, lossFunction, useKernel, kernel global hyperPlane, numFeatures, polynomialDegree, coef0 global useKernelClassifier, classifier if len(points) == 0: return deleteLevelLine() polynomialDegree = polynomialScale.get() c = scaleC.get() coef0 = scaleCoef0.get() print( "C =", c, "kernel =", kernel, "degree =", polynomialDegree, "coef0 =", coef0 ) use_kernel = useKernel.get() if use_kernel != 0: useKernelClassifier = True classifier = SVC( C=c, kernel=kernel, degree=polynomialDegree, coef0=coef0 ) data = [ np.array( [points[i].x, points[i].y], ) for i in range(len(points)) ] # data = np.array(data).reshape(len(data), -1) data = np.array(data) y = [ (1. if mouseButtons[i] == 1 else (-1.)) for i in range(len(points)) ] y = np.array(y), y) else: useKernelClassifier = False data = [ np.array([ # [points[i].x, points[i].y], extendedFeatures(points[i], polynomialDegree), 1. if mouseButtons[i] == 1 else (-1.) ]) for i in range(len(points)) ] numFeatures = len(data[0][0]) print("numFeatures =", numFeatures) hyperPlane = np.array([0.]*(numFeatures+1)) f = functor(data, lossFunc=lossFunction, C=c) # Initial approximation x0 = [0.]*(numFeatures + 1) # print("Initial approximation: x0 =", x0) res = minimize(f, x0 = x0) print("minimized: w =", res.x) hyperPlane = res.x drawLevelLine(levelFunction) def deleteLevelLine(): nonlocal levelLineIDs for i in levelLineIDs: drawArea.delete(i) levelLineIDs.clear() def clearPicture(): for i in objectIDs: drawArea.delete(i) objectIDs.clear() deleteLevelLine() def onClear(): clearPicture() points.clear() mouseButtons.clear() def onConfigure(e): drawArea.delete("all") drawGrid() drawPoints() def drawLevelLine(f, level = 0., color="blue"): nonlocal levelLineIDs levelLineIDs.clear() x0 = xMin(); x1 = xMax() y0 = yMin(); y1 = yMax() y = y0; v1 = [] while y < y1: if y > y0: v0 = v1.copy() else: v0 = [] v1.clear() x = x0; while x <= x1 + STEPX: if y <= y0: z = f(x, y) v0.append(z) z = f(x, y + STEPY) v1.append(z) x += STEPX; x = x0; ix = 0 while x < x1: # z0--z2 # | / # z1 z0 = v0[ix] z2 = v0[ix + 1] z1 = v1[ix] z3 = v1[ix + 1] # print("z0=", z0, "z1=", z1, "z2=", z2, "z3=", z3) # print("level=", level) points = [False]*5 # z0--0--z2 # | /| # 1 2 4 # | / | # z1--3--z3 if (z0 <= level and level < z2) or (z0 >= level and level > z2): xx = x + STEPX*abs(level - z0)/abs(z2 - z0) p02 = R2Point(xx, y) points[0] = True if (z0 <= level and level < z1) or (z0 >= level and level > z1): yy = y + STEPY*abs(level - z0)/abs(z1 - z0) p01 = R2Point(x, yy) points[1] = True if (z1 <= level and level < z2) or (z1 >= level and level > z2): xx = x + STEPX*abs(level - z1)/abs(z2 - z1) yy = (y + STEPY) - STEPY*abs(level - z1)/abs(z2 - z1) p12 = R2Point(xx, yy) points[2] = True # z2 # / | # z1--z3 if (z1 <= level and level < z3) or (z1 >= level and level > z3): xx = x + STEPX*abs(level - z1)/abs(z3 - z1) p13 = R2Point(xx, y + STEPY) points[3] = True if (z2 <= level and level < z3) or (z2 >= level and level > z3): yy = y + STEPY*abs(level - z2)/abs(z3 - z2) p23 = R2Point(x + STEPX, yy) points[4] = True # z0--0--z2 # | /| # 1 2 4 # | / | # z1--3--z3 # Upper triangle: if points[0] and points[1]: levelLineIDs.append( drawArea.create_line(map(p02), map(p01), width=2, fill=color) ) if points[0] and points[2]: levelLineIDs.append( drawArea.create_line(map(p02), map(p12), width=2, fill=color) ) if points[1] and points[2]: levelLineIDs.append( drawArea.create_line(map(p01), map(p12), width=2, fill=color) ) # Lower triangle: if points[2] and points[4]: levelLineIDs.append( drawArea.create_line(map(p12), map(p23), width=2, fill=color) ) if points[2] and points[3]: levelLineIDs.append( drawArea.create_line(map(p12), map(p13), width=2, fill=color) ) if points[3] and points[4]: levelLineIDs.append( drawArea.create_line(map(p13), map(p23), width=2, fill=color) ) x += STEPX; ix += 1 y += STEPY; drawButton.configure(command = onDraw) clearButton.configure(command = onClear) # polynomialScale.configure(command = lambda e: onDraw()) drawArea.bind("", onMouseRelease) drawArea.bind("", onMouseRelease) drawArea.bind("", onMouseRelease) drawArea.bind("", onConfigure) drawGrid() root.mainloop() def hingeLoss(x): res = 1. - x if res < 0.: res = 0. return res def hingeLoss2(x): return hingeLoss(x)**2 def logisticLoss(x): return math.log(1. + math.exp(-x)) class functor: def __init__(self, data, lossFunc = hingeLoss2, C = 10.): # print("data:", data) = deepcopy(data) self.lossFunc = lossFunc self.C = C def __call__(self, x): # print("Function call, x =", x) w = x[:-1] b = x[-1] # print("w =", w, "b =", b) loss = 0. for d in loss += self.lossFunc(d[1] * (, d[0]) - b)) if len( > 0: loss /= len( wNorm =, w) err = wNorm/2. + self.C*loss # print("wNorm =", wNorm, "loss =", loss, "err =", err) return err if __name__ == "__main__": main()