(c) MSU, Attic, 1995 (V.Borisenko)
        MicroMir for MAC (same as NanoMir for DOS)
                        To exit from HELP, press Esc <Up>, or Shift+F1,
                                           or Command+?

Upper diagonal arrow, or Ctrl+<Up>      To the beginning of text
Down  diagonal arrow, or Ctrl+<Down>    To the end of text

Ctrl+<Right>                            To the end of line
Ctrl+<Left>                             To the beginning of line
Enter                                   To the beginning of next line
Shift+Enter                             Insert "New Line" character and move
                                        cursor to the beginning of next line

PgUp,   or {9} on right keypad          Window up
PgDown, or {3} on right keypad          Window down

Tab                     Tabulation to the right (doesn't insert
                        anything in a text, only moves cursor!)
Shift+Tab               Tabulation to the left
{+}                     To the beginning of next word
{-}                     To the end of previous word

Esc <Right>             In directory: To filename field
Esc <Left>, or Enter    In directory: To comment field

Ins                     Insert a space
Shift+Ins               Insert an empty line
Del                     Delete a character
Shift+Del               Delete a line
Ctrl+D                  Delete an end of line
Shift+Enter             Insert the "New Line" character
                            (cut a line in two pieces)
Shift+BS                Delete the "New Line" character
                            (glue two lines together)
Ctrl+Ins                Switch to insert mode
Ctrl+Del                Switch to replace mode

        EXIT / ENTRANCE (hypertext features)
Esc <Down>              Enter in a file. In a text file, a file name
                        is extracted from a text near a cursor.
                        In a directory (*.dir, *.mim), file name is
                        extracted from the right field (after | |).
                        If file name is in angle brackets, as <stdio.h>,
                        then file is opened ONLY FOR READ.

Esc <Up>                Save a text in a file and exit (return
                        to the place you have come from).

Esc Ctrl+C              Don't save file and exit to the place
                        you have come from.

Ctrl+C 40 times         Emergency exit

Option+Space            Switch English / Russian keyboard

Option+<any key>        Option works as Shift key: If the current keyboard is
                        English, then type a Russian letter; if Russian, then
                        type the English letter (i.e., temporary switch to
                        alternate alphabet).
Shift+F7, or {5} {*}       Enter a search pattern (Enter or
                                 <Up> or <Down> at the end)
F7,       or {*}           Repeat a search below a cursor
Alt+F7,   or Shift+{*}     Repeat a search above a cursor

Shift+F8                Beginning of macro
F8                      End of macro
F8                      Execute macro
Esc <number> <any command>      Repeat command <number> times

Option+<Left> / <Right> Divide the current window vertically and / or
                        move cursor to new window. The editors asks for
                        a new file name, when new window is created.

Option+<Up> / <Down>    Divide the current window horisontally and / or
                        move cursor to new window.

        SAVE / PASTE LINES OR CHARACTERS ("Clipboard")
F3                      Add a current line to the line buffer
                            (the buffer is erased if the previous
                            operation was an insertion)
F4                      Insert lines from the line buffer
Shift+F3                Add a line to the line buffer and delete a line
Shift+F4                Clear the line buffer

                        Line buffer is saved in the file "LINESAV.TMP"
                        (as inDOS; the MAC clipboard is not used now).

F1                      Add a character to the character buffer
F2                      Insert characters from the character buffer

Shift+F1, or Command+?  Help / Exit from Help

    ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES (used in DOS; in MAC they are undefined)

                        Directory for standard include files:
                        It is used as prefix to standard h-file
                        names, when you press Esc <Down>.
                        Default directory: c:\bc\include\

                        File for line buffer (lines are saved here,
                        when you press F3); includes path and file name.
                        Default file: nmlinesav.tmp

NMCONFIG                File for current configuration.
                        Default file: nmconfig.cfg

Command+S               Save the current text
Command+Q               Quit
Command+W               Close window (same as Command+Q)

Command+F               Find a pattern
Command+G               Repeat a search forward
Command+I               Repeat a search back

Command+?               Help / Exit from help

                        Help is ordinary text file, in which you may use
                        all editor commands; only you cannot change a text.
                        You can exit from help by pressing Esc <Up>, as from
                        any other file.

If your MAC keyboard have not got F1 - F12 keys, you can use Command+<Digit>
instead (for example, Command+3 instead of F3).

The following will be implemented in the nearest future:
     1) the formating of text (with hyphenation);
     2) the infinite Undo buffer;
     3) the saving of current configuration in the file or in the resource
     4) the selection of font, font size, etc;
     5) scroll bars;
     6) maybe, the work with many windows should be organized in MAC style
        (although I prefer the current style: to divide one window in parts,
        rather than creation of new windows).
The main feature of the MicroMir is that it is the same in all kinds of
computers and operating systems: Unix, DOS, MAC, VAX VMS etc.

MicroMir is implemented for MAC System 7 in Think-C environment. The source
of any kinds  of  MicroMirs / NanoMirs are available for anonymous ftp at
mech.math.msu.su (

                           4-June-1995. V.Borisenko (vvb@mech.math.msu.su)
        - End of help -