"Fundamentalnaya i Prikladnaya Matematika"
("Fundamental and Applied Mathematics")

Volume 11 (2005), Number 2

Proceedings of the International Algebraic Conference
on the Occasion of the 250th Anniversary of Moscow State University
and the 75th Anniversary of the Department of Algebra
(Moscow, May 26 -- June 2, 2004)
Part 3

E. I. Bunina, A. V. Mikhalev
Automorphisms of the semigroup of invertible matrices with nonnegative elements 3-23
A. M. Vashevnik
Prime numbers of bad reduction for dessins of genus 0 25-43
I. E. Wijayanti
On the wedge product and coprime coalgebras 45-49
R. Wisbauer
Modules and comodules for corings 51-72
A. Gvaramia, B. Plotkin
Action-type axiomatizable classes of group representations 73-85
V. B. Demidovich, G. G. Magaril-Ilyaev, V. M. Tikhomirov
Extremal problems for linear functionals on the Tchebycheff spaces 87-100
S. A. Ilyasov
Construction of the syzygy module in automaton monomial algebras 101-113
O. V. Kulikova
On relatively aspherical presentations and their central extensions 115-125
O. Macedońska
On difficult problems and locally graded groups 127-133
A. V. Mikhalev, I. A. Pinchuk
Steinberg unitary Lie conformal algebras 135-155
A. N. Panov
Representations of quantum orders 157-167
D. A. Stepanov
On nonrational divisors over non-Gorenstein terminal singularities 169-184
V. A. Stukopin
The quantum double of the Yangian of the Lie superalgebra A(m,n) and computation of the universal R-matrix 185-208
A. V. Timofeenko
On strongly real elements of finite groups 209-218
V. V. Shchigolev
On some extensions of p-restricted completely splittable GL(n)-modules 219-226

The English translation of this issue has been published in Journal of Mathematical Sciences: Vol. 142, No. 2 (2007).

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Location: http://mech.math.msu.su/~fpm/eng/k05/k052/
Last modified: March 26, 2008