GEORGIEVSKII Dimitri Vladimirovich



georgievmech.math.msu.su      cotedurhonemail.ru

   (+7 495) 9395539 - office;   (+7 916) 8175757 - mob.



Born: August 19, 1966; Moscow, USSR.

Graduated from Mechanical & Mathematical Dep. of Moscow State University (MSU) : 1986. Post-graduate study at Mechanical & Mathematical Dep. of MSU : 1986-1989.

     PhD (Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sci.): "Stability of Deformation Processes of Heavy Stratified Non-Elastic Solids" (1989).

     Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sci.: "Stability of Viscoplastic Flows with Arbitrary Hardening" (1996).

Teaching and researching work at Mechanical & Mathematical Dep. of MSU : 1989-present (engineer: 1989-1991; assistant: 1991-1994; assistant professor: 1994-1999; professor: 1999-present; head of chair: 2015-present). Professor of Elasticity Theory Chair. Professor of Composite Mechanics Chair (PHOTO) (Scientific Secretary: 1994-2001, 2003-2015).

     High Scientific Researcher at Lab. of Mechanics of Technological Processes in A.Yu.Ishlinskii Institute for Problems in Mechanics: 1999-present.

     Chair of Lab. of Strength and Creep by High Temperatures in Institute of Mechanics (MSU): 2012-2014. Chair of Lab. of Elasticity and Plasticity in Institute of Mechanics (MSU): 2020-present. Director of Institute of Mechanics (MSU): 2021-present.

     Professor of Russian Academy of Sciences: 2016-present.

Reading of the following fundamental and special courses: "Continuum Mechanics" (1 year); "Mechanics of Deformable Solids" (1 year); "Elasticity (selected parts)" (1/2); "Plasticity" (1/2); "Mechanics of Composites" (1/2); "Classical Mechanics" (1/2); "Theory of Constitutive Relations" (1/2); "Stability of Deformation Processes" (1/2).

Co-Chairman (with Prof. S.A.Agafonov and Prof. M.V.Shamolin) of scientific seminar "Actual Problems of Geometry & Mechanics" by Valery Trofimov at Mechanical & Mathematical Dep. of MSU: 1999-present.

     Co-Chairman (with Prof. S.V.Nesterov) of scientific seminar "Problems of Continuum Mechanics" in Institute for Problems in Mechanics: 2005-present.

The Member of MSU Scientific Council. The Member of Scientific Council at Mechanical & Mathematical Dep. of MSU. The Chair of of Scientific Council at Institute of Mechanics (MSU).

     The Member of Specialized Council MGU.01.14 by subject 01.02.04 (Mechanics of Deformable Solid) in MSU. The Member of Specialized Council D.002.059.06 by subject 01.02.06 (Dynamics and Strength of Machines, Devices and Equipment) in Blagonravov Institute for Mechanical Engineering (RAS). The Member of Specialized Council D.212.262.07 by subjects 05.02.04 (Friction and Wear in Machines) and 05.05.06 (Mining Machines) in Tver State Technical University.

Deputy Dean of Mechanical & Mathematical Dep. of MSU : 2005-2014, 2020-present. Vice-Rector of MSU : 2014-2015.

Director of World-Class Scientific Center "Supersonic-MSU" : 2020-present.

Executive Secretary of the Editorial Board of Journal "Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin". Scientific Editor (2006-2014) and the Member of the Editorial Board of Journal "Mechanics of Solid". The Member of Editorial Board of Journals "Differential Equations", "Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Physics", "Composites and Nanostructures", "Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics", "Vestnik MGTU. Ser. Estestvennye nauki", "Mathematical Modeling and Computational Methods", "Vestnik ChGPU. Ser. Mekhanika Predelnogo Sostoyaniya", "Vestnik Udmurtskogo Universiteta. Ser. Matematika. Mekhanika. Komp'yuternye nauki".

The Member of Russian National Committee on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics.

The Member of International Higher Education Academy of Sciences.

The Member of Gesellschaft fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (GAMM), American Mathematical Society (AMS), International Society for Analysis, its Applications, and Computation (ISAAC).

The Member of the Expert Council in mathematics and mechanics of the Russian High Attestation Committee.

The Member of the Expert Council in the Russian Fund for Basic Research.

Expert of the Russian Academy of Sciences.



The field of the main scientific interests includes the following problems:

  • Theory of constitutive relations in continuum mechanics. Instrument of tensor functions. Integral representations. Theory of adjusting experiment for obtaining of material functions.
  • Phenomenological description of stress-strain state by multiscale simulation.
  • Asymptotic methods in theory of thin solids. Deformation of solids with strongly distinguishing sizes.
  • Stability of deformation processes in solid mechanics and composite mechanics. The Liapunov - Movchan' method and its development.
  • Hydrodynamic stability of flows with complex rheology. Spectral problems on stability. The generalized Orr - Sommerfeld' problems. The integral relations methods and energetic (variational) estimates of stability.
  • Non-Newtonian and viscoplastic flows. Analytical and numerical solutions. Self-similarity and the Stefan' problem. Applications in oil industry, biomechanics, geotectonics, glaciology.
  • Weak nonhomogeneous flows. Description of transitions to mixing.
  • Heavy gravitational non-stable multilayer systems. Dominating waves. Salt diapirism.
  • Mechanics of n-dimensional solid and n-dimensional continuum.

Four monographs and textbooks:

  1. Georgievskii D.V. Stability of Viscoplastic Solids Deformation Processes. Moscow: URSS, 1998. 176 p.
  2. Pobedria B.E., Georgievskii D.V. Lectures on Elasticity Theory. Moscow: Editorial URSS, 1999. 208 p.; 2nd edition. Moscow: LENAND Publ., 2018. 208 p.; 3rd edition. Moscow: LENAND Publ., 2020. 208 p.
  3. Klimov D.M., Petrov A.G., Georgievskii D.V. Viscoplastic Flows: Dynamic Chaos, Stability, Mixing. Moscow: Nauka, 2005. 394 p.
  4. Pobedria B.E., Georgievskii D.V. Foundations of Continuum Mechanics. Moscow: Fizmatlit, 2006. 272 p.
  5. Georgievskii D.V. Selected Problems of Continuum Mechanics. Moscow: LENAND Publ, 2018. 560 p.; 2nd edition. Moscow: URSS Publ., 2020. 560 p.
  6. Klimov D.M., Petrov A.G., Georgievskii D.V. Continuum Mechanics: Viscoplastic Flows. 2nd edition. Moscow: Urait, 2018. 394 p.
  7. Georgievskii D.V. Models in Theory of Viscoelasticity. Moscow: LENAND Publ., 2023. 144 p.

and more than 250 published papers are devoted to these and some other problems. The basic ones are the following:

  1. Georgievskii D.V. Catastrophe theory methods in problem on stability of beams with non-linear and viscoelastic joints // "Elasticity & Non-Elasticity". M.: Moscow University Publ., 1987. P.159-166.
  2. Georgievskii D.V. Stability of the boundary of two heavy viscoelastic layers // Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin. 1989. No. 2. P. 94-97.
  3. Georgievskii D.V. Stability of the low oscillations in the system: heavy elastic layer - viscous incompressible liquid // Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin. 1989. No. 5. P. 94-96.
  4. Georgievskii D.V. Non-linear viscoelatoplastic models of geomaterials // Proc. of the 3rd Internat. Conf. on Computational Plasticity (ComPlas III). Barcelona, 17-21 Aug. 1992. Swansea, 1992. P.851-858.
  5. Georgievskii D.V. Linearized problem on stability of viscoplastic solids with arbitrary scalar relations // Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin. 1992. No. 6. P. 65-67.
  6. Georgievskii D.V. Stability of two- and three-dimensional viscoplastic flows, and the generalized Squire theorem // Mechanics of Solids. 1993. V. 28. No. 2. P. 106-112.
  7. Georgievskii D.V. Nonsteady axial deformation of a multilayer cylinder in the viscoplastic state // International Applied Mechanics. 1993. V. 29. No. 5. P. 369-375.
  8. Georgievskii D.V. Stability of a compressed elastic plate with nonlinear supporting elements // Dynamics and Stability of Syst. 1993. V.8. No.4. P.259-272.
  9. Georgievskii D.V. The stability of plane parallel shear flow of two heavy viscous layers // "Elasticity & Non-Elasticity". Part II. M.: Moscow University Publ., 1994. P.108-121.
  10. Georgiyevskii D.V. The stability of a plane ideal rigid-plastic Couette flow // Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 1994. V. 58. No. 1. P. 183-188.
  11. Georgievskii D.V. Cavitational bubble collapse in nonlinear viscous and viscoplastic media // Fluid Dynamics. 1994. V. 29. No. 2. P. 299-302.
  12. Georgievskii D.V. Sufficient integral estimates for the stability of viscoplastic shear // Mechanics of Solids. 1994. V. 29. No. 4. P. 124-131.
  13. Georgievskii D.V. Viscoplatic Couette - Taylor' flow: distribution of rigid zones and stability // Mechanics of Solids. 1994. V. 29. No. 6. P. 102-109.
  14. Georgievskii D.V. The Saint-Venant plastic flow in a plane spiral confusor // Mechanics of Composite Materials. 1995. V. 31. No. 5. P. 503-509.
  15. Georgievskii D.V. Time-dependent deformation of viscoplastic solids within plane regions: estimates of stability // Doklady Physics. 1996. V. 41. No. 2. P. 65-67.
  16. Georgievskii D.V. On shear hereditary viscoplastic flows // Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin. 1996. V. 51. No. 1. P. 1-5.
  17. Georgievskii D.V. Stability of nonsteady shear in viscoplastic half-plane with tangential discontinuity along its boundary // Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin. 1996. V. 51. No. 3. P. 17-23.
  18. Georgievskii D.V. The method of integral relations in non-linear flow stability problems with kinematic boundary conditions// Mechanics of Solids. 1997. V. 32. No. 1. P. 81-90.
  19. Georgievskii D.V. Stability of deformation processes over sets of metrics with respect to given classes of perturbations // Mechanics of Solids. 1997. V. 32. No. 2. P. 59-77.
  20. Georgievskii D.V. Integral estimates of the nonsteady-deformation stability for three-dimensional bodies with complex rheology // Doklady Physics. 1997. V. 42. No. 9. P. 514-516.
  21. Georgievskii D.V. Action of a concentrated force at the vetrex of an incompressible elastic octant // Mechanics of Solids. 1998. V. 33. No. 1. P. 79-81.
  22. Georgievskii D.V. Viscoplastic stratified composites: shear flows and stability // Proc. of NATO ASI "Mechanics of Composite Materials and Structures". V. III. Troia (Portugal), 12-24 Jul. 1998. NATO ASI, Lisboa, 1998. P.315-324.
  23. Georgievskii D.V. General estimates of the development of perturbations in three-dimensional inhomogeneous scalar nonlinear flows // Mechanics of Solids. 1998. V. 33. No. 6. P. 69-75.
  24. Georgievskii D.V. Nonlinear isotropic tensor functions in the theory of constitutive relations // Doklady Physics. 1999. V. 44. No. 6. P. 365-367.
  25. Georgievskii D.V. The problem of the stability of quasilinear flows with respect to perturbations of hardening function // Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 1999. V. 63. No. 5. P. 779-784.
  26. Georgievskii D.V. Viscoplastic stratified composites: shear flows and stability // Computers & Structers. 2000. V. 76. P.205-210.
  27. Georgievskii D.V., Klimov D.M. Energy analysis of development of kinematic perturbations in weakly inhomogeneous viscous fluids // Fluid Dynamics. 2000. V. 35. No. 2. P. 200-210.
  28. Akulenko L.D., Georgievskii D.V., Kumakshev S.A., Nesterov S.V. Numerical and analytical investigation of steady-state flow of viscous fluid in a plane confuser // Doklady Physics. 2000. V. 45. No. 9. P. 467-471.
  29. Klimov D.M., Nesterov S.V., Akulenko L.D., Georgievskii D.V., Kumakshev S.A. Flow of viscoplastic medium with low yield strength in a flat confuser // Doklady Physics. 2000. V. 45. No. 11. P. 601-605.
  30. Georgievskii D.V. Hydrodynamical interpretation of formulations of some problems on shear stability // "Elasticity & Anelasticity". M.: Moscow University Publ., 2001. P.365-369.
  31. Georgievskii D.V. Some non-unidimensional problems in viscoplasticity: rigid zones and stability (a review)// Mechanics of Solids. 2001. V. 36. No. 1. P. 49-63.
  32. Georgievskii D.V. Perturbations of sliding surfaces in the three-dimensional theory of perfect plasticity // Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin. 2001. V. 56. No. 3. P. 12-17.
  33. Klimov D.M., Nesterov S.V., Akulenko L.D., Georgievskii D.V., Kumakshev S.A. Viscoplastic flow inside confusor // Izvestiya VUZov. North-Caucasian region. 2001. Special issue. P.89-92.
  34. Georgievskii D.V., Shamolin M.V. Kinematics and mass geometry for a solid body with a fixed point in R^n // Doklady Physics. 2001. V. 46. No. 9. P. 663-666.
  35. Georgievskii D.V. On the linearization of the constitutive relations for tensorially nonlinear isotropic media // Mechanics of Solids. 2001. V. 36. No. 5. P. 14-17.
  36. Georgievskii D.V., Klimov D.M., Petrov A.G. Inertialess deformation of weakly inhomogeneous viscous mediums // Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin. 2002. V. 57. No. 2. P. 1-5.
  37. Akulenko L.D., Georgievskii D.V., Kumakshev S.A. New asymmetric and multimode solutions of the problem on viscous-fluid flow inside a plane confusor // Doklady Physics. 2002. V. 47. No. 3. P. 219-223.
  38. Georgievskii D.V., Shamolin M.V. Generalized Euler's equations describing the motion of a rigid body with fixed point in R^n // Doklady Physics. 2002. V. 47. No. 4. P. 316-318.
  39. Georgievskii D.V. Tensor non-linear effects by isothermic deformation of continuum // Uspekhi mekhaniki. 2002. V.1. No.2. P. 150-176. Full PDF text
  40. Georgievskii D.V., Pobedrya B.E. On the concept of stability of deformation in elastic and viscoelastic models // Mechanics of Solids. 2002. V.37. No.4. P.37-46.
  41. Georgievskii D.V., Okulova N.N. Viscoplastic Karman flows // Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin. 2002. V. 57. No. 5. P. 16-20.
  42. Akulenko L.D., Georgievskii D.V., Kumakshev S.A. The flow of a viscous fluid inside a confuser with large opening angle // Doklady Physics. 2002. V. 47. No. 9. P. 698-701.
  43. Georgievskii D.V. Isotropic nonlinear tensor functions in the theory of constitutive relations // Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2002. V. 112. No.5. P. 4498-4516. Full PDF text
  44. Akulenko L.D., Georgievskii D.V., Kumakshev S.A., Nesterov S.V. Nonsymmetric and multi-mode confuser flows in the Jeffery-Hamel problem // Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin. 2003. V. 58. No. 2. P. 1-3.
  45. Georgievskii D.V., Klimov D.M., Petrov A.G. Problems on inertialess flow of weakly inhomogeneous viscoplastic media // Fluid Dynamics. 2003. V. 38. No. 3. P. 363-371.
  46. Georgievskii D.V., Kirillov A.A. Acceleration and deceleration of a heavy viscoplastic layer (glacier) along an inclined plane // Mechanics of Solids. 2003. V. 38. No. 3. P. 88-94.
  47. Akulenko L.D., Georgievskii D.V. "Smallness" and asymptotic smallness of dimensional parameters in problems of mechanics // Doklady Physics. 2003. V. 48. No. 6. P. 314-318.
  48. Akulenko L.D., Georgievskii D.V., Klimov D.M., Kumakshev S.A., Nesterov S.V. Extrusion of a viscoplastic material with small yield limit from a plane convergent channel // Mechanics of Solids. 2003. V. 38. No. 4. P. 136-147.
  49. Georgievskii D.V., Shamolin M.V. First integrals of the equations of motion for the generalized gyroscope in R^n // Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin. 2003. V. 58. No. 5. P. 21-25.
  50. Georgievskii D.V. Small perturbations of an undeformed state in media with yield stress // Doklady Physics. 2003. V. 48. No. 10. P. 590-593.
  51. Akulenko L.D., Georgievskii D.V., Klimov D.M., Kumakshev S.A., Nesterov S.V. Stationary flow of a viscoplastic medium with small yield stress in a plane confusor // Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics. 2003. V.10. No.4. P.381-398.
  52. Akulenko L.D., Georgievskii D.V., Kumakshev S.A. Solutions of the Jeffery-Hamel problem regularly extendable in the Reynolds number // Fluid Dynamics. 2004. V. 39. No. 1. P. 12-28.
  53. Georgievskii D.V., Klimov D.M., Pobedrya B.E. Specific features of the behavior of viscoelastic models // Mechanics of Solids. 2004. V. 39. No. 1. P. 88-120.
  54. Agafonov S.A., Georgievskii D.V. Dynamic stability of a beam that has nonlinear internal viscosity and is subjected to a follower force // Doklady Physics. 2004. V. 49. No. 5. P. 332-335.
  55. Georgievskii D.V. Dynamical perturbations of undeformed state in perfect plastic flows // Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin. 2004. V. 59. No. 4. P. 11-16.
  56. Georgievskii D.V., Zhdanova A.V. Certain asymptotic formulas in the problem of the beginning of deformation of a gas bubble and its collapse // Doklady Physics. 2004. V. 49. No. 11. P. 941-946.
  57. Georgiyevskii D.V., Pobedrya B.Ye. The number of independent compatibility equations in the mechanics of deformable solids // Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 2004. V. 68. No. 6. P.1043-1048.
  58. Akulenko L.D., Georgievskii D.V., Kumakshev S.A., Nesterov S.V. New solutions and hydrodynamical effects in the Jeffery-Hamel problem // Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics. 2005. V. 12. No. 3. P. 269-287.
  59. Georgievskii D.V., Zhdanova A.V. Initiation of expansion and compression of a spherical gas bubble and its collapse in a medium with yield stress // Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin. 2005. V. 60. No. 4. P. 12-19.
  60. Agafonov S.A., Georgievskii D.V. Instability of non-linear viscoelastic beam under tracking loading // Proc. Internat. Conference "Physics and Control (PhysCon 2005)". Saint-Petersburg. 2005. P. 928-932.
  61. Georgievskii D.V. Modeling of a weak inhomogeneity in the Eulerian description of a continuum // Doklady Physics. 2005. V. 50. No. 12. P. 644-649.
  62. Akulenko L.D., Georgievskii D.V., Kumakshev S.A. Numerical-analytical investigation of multimodal solutions of the Jeffery-Hamel problem for a convergent channel // Fluid Dynamics. 2005. V. 40. No. 6. P. 875-884.
  63. Georgievskaya D.A., Georgievskii D.V. Saint-Venant plastic flows with weakly inhomogeneous yield strength // Mechanics of Solids. 2005. V. 40. No. 6. P. 1-12.
  64. Georgievskii D.V. The Prandtl problem for a plastic layer weakly inhomogeneous with respect to the yield strength // Mechanics of Solids. 2006. V. 41. No. 1. P. 35-45.
  65. Akulenko L.D., Georgievskii D.V., Klimov D.M., Kumakshev S.A., Nesterov S.V. Deformation of a Bingham viscoplastic fluid in a plane confuser // International Applied Mechanics. 2006. V. 42. No. 4. P. 375-406.
  66. Agafonov S.A., Georgievskii D.V. Nonlinear internal viscosity destabilization of a cantilever beam subjected to a follower force // Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin. 2006. V. 61. No. 3. P. 12-18.
  67. Pobedrya B.E., Georgievskii D.V. Equivalence of Formulations for Problems in Elasticity Theory in Terms of Stresses // Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics. 2006. V. 13. No. 2. P. 203-209.
  68. Georgievskii D.V. Effective yield stress in constitutive relations for blood in vivo // Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin. 2006. V. 61. No. 5. P. 17-20.
  69. Georgievskii D.V. Stress problems for a compressible viscous fluid (Stokes' approximation) // Doklady Physics. 2006. V. 51. No. 8. P. 433-436.
  70. Georgiyevskii D.V. The diffusion of a discontinuity of the shear stress at the boundary of a viscoplastic half-plane // Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 2006. V. 70. No. 5. P. 796-803.
  71. Georgievskii D.V. Rigid zones in statically definable and undefinable problems on viscoplastic flows // Problems of Mechanics of Solids and Rocks. Collection of works dedicated to the 75 Anniversary of E.I.Shemyakin. M.: Fizmatlit. 2006. P. 135-141.
  72. Georgievskii D.V. The perturbations of material functions in constitutive relations of perfect and viscoplastic media // "Elasticity & Anelasticity". M.: URSS, 2006. P.35-43.
  73. Pobedrya B.E., Georgievskii D.V. On the Proof of the Pi-Theorem in Dimension Theory // Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics. 2006. V. 13. No. 4. P.431-437.
  74. Georgievskii D.V. Self-similar solutions in the problem of generalized vortex diffusion // Fluid Dynamics. 2007. V. 42. No. 2. P. 151-159.
  75. Georgievskii D.V. On connection of instability of unique solution and nonuniqueness in mechanical problems // Contemporary Problems in Strength, Plasticity and Stability. Collection of works dedicated to the 75 Anniversary of V.G.Zubchaninov. Tver: TverSTU Publ. 2007. P. 94-97.
  76. Georgievskii D.V. Perturbations of flows of incompressible nonlinearly viscous and viscoplastic fluids caused by variations in material functions // Mechanics of Solids. 2007. V. 42. No. 3. P. 375-381.
  77. Georgievskii D.V. On the uniqueness and stability of solutions to some continuum mechanics problems // Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin. 2007. V. 62. No. 5. P. 131-135.
  78. Georgievskii D.V. Methods of Investigation of Boundary Value Problems in Viscoelasticity Theory // Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics. 2007. V. 14. No. 3. P.262-274.
  79. Georgievskii D.V. Variational Bounds and Integral Relations Method in Problems of Stability // Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2008. V. 154. No. 4. P. 549-603.
  80. Georgievskii D.V. Perturbation of Constitutive Relations in Tensor Non-Linear Materials // Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures. 2008. V. 15. No. 6. P.528-532.
  81. Georgievskii D.V. Structure of polynomial solutions of elasticity equations in stresses // Mechanics of Solids. 2008. V. 43. No. 5. P. 726-732.
  82. Georgievskii D.V. Axisymmetric analog of the Prandtl problem // Doklady Physics. 2008. V. 53. No. 9. P. 504-506.
  83. Akulenko L.D., Georgievskii D.V., Nesterov S.V., Promyslova A.S. Perturbation of eigenvalues in the generalized Rayleigh problem // Doklady Physics. 2008. V. 53. No. 10. P. 536-538.
  84. Akulenko L.D., Georgievskii D.V., Kumakshev S.A., Nesterov S.V. Contemporary state of the problem on flows of viscous fluid in converging channels // Actual Problems in Mechanics. Mechanics of Fluid, Gas and Plasma. M.: Nauka. 2008. P.144-169.
  85. Akulenko L.D., Georgievskii D.V., Nesterov S.V. Preface to the translations of two classic works of Jeffery and Hamel // Russian Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics. 2009. V. 5. No. 1. P.99-100.
  86. Georgievskii D.V. Asymptotic expansions and the possibilities to drop the hypotheses in the Prandtl problem // Mechanics of Solids. 2009. V. 44. No. 1. P.70-78.
  87. Georgievskii D.V. Generalized diffusion of vortex: self-similarity and the Stefan' problem // Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2009. V. 161. No. 5. P. 628-647.
  88. Georgievskii D.V. Asymptotics with Respect to a Small Geometric Parameter for Solutions of Three-Dimensional Lame Equations // Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics. 2009. V. 16. No. 1. P.74-80.
  89. Georgievskii D.V. The critical Reynolds numbers in the eigenvalue problems for the Orr - Sommerfeld equation // Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics. M.: MSU Publ. 2009. V. II. Part 2. P.17-25.
  90. Georgievskii D.V. Asymptotic Analysis in the Prandtl' Problem // "Mathematical Models in Engineering, Biology, and Medicine". Proceedings of the International Conference on Boundary Value Problems. Melville - New-York: American Inst. Phys.2009. P.166-174.
  91. Georgievskii D.V. Perfect rigid-plastic spreading of an asymptotically thin cylindric layer // Doklady Physics. 2009. V. 54. No. 11. P. 516-519.
  92. Georgievskii D.V. Applicability of the Squire Transformation in Linearized Problems on Shear Stability // Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics. 2009. V. 16. No. 4. P. 478-483.
  93. Klimov D.M., Georgievskii D.V. Evolution of weak initial nonhomogeneity (beginning of mixing) in continuum media // Actual Problems in Mechanics. Mechanics of Deformable Solid. M.: Nauka. 2009. P.352-370.
  94. Georgievskii D.V. Introduction // A.A.Il'yushin. Works. Vol. IV. Simulation of Dynamic Processes in Solids and Engineering Applications. M.: Fizmatlit. 2009. P.7-9.
  95. Georgievskii D.V. On potential isotropic tensor functions of two tensor arguments in mechanics of solids // Mechanics of Solids. 2010. V. 45. No. 3. P. 493-496.
  96. Georgiyevskii D.V. New estimates of the stability of one-dimensional plane-parallel flows of a viscous incompressible fluid // Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 2010. V. 74. No. 4. P. 452-459.
  97. Georgievskii D.V. Asymptotic analysis of plastic flow along the generatrix in a thin cylindrical layer // Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2010. V. 51. No. 5. P. 713-720.
  98. Georgievskii D.V. Growth estimates of perturbations in eigenvalue problems for the Rayleigh equation // Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin. 2010. V. 65. No. 6. P. 136-139.
  99. Georgievskii D.V., Tlyustangelov G.S. Stability of Low Oscillations in a Two-Layer Inviscid Fluid by Vertical Moving in Gravity // Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics. 2010. V. 17. No. 4. P. 448-453.
  100. Georgievskii D.V. Generalized Joseph estimates of stability of plane shear flows with scalar nonlinearity // Bulletin of the Russian Acad. Sci.: Physics. 2011. V. 75. No. 1. P. 140-143.
  101. Georgievskii D.V., Wille R. Asymptotic integration in boundary-value problems on perfect rigid plastic flow in thin layer // "Elasticity & Anelasticity". M.: MSU Publ., 2011. P.52-59.
  102. Brovko G.L., Bykov D.L., Vasin R.A., Georgievskii D.V., Kiiko I.A., Molodtsov I.N., Pobedrya B.E. A. A. Il'yushin's scientific heritage and development of his ideas in mechanics // Mechanics of Solids. 2011. V. 46. No. 1. P. 3-14.
  103. Georgievskii D.V. Asymptotics of solutions of the three-dimensional elasticity equations for compressible and incompressible bodies // Mechanics of Solids. 2011. V. 46. No. 1. P. 96-103.
  104. Georgievskii D.V., Vaganov P.A. Multilayer viscous structures: the dispersion equation and gravitational instability // Problems in Strength, Plasticity and Stability in Mechanics of Solids. Collection of works dedicated to the 80 Anniversary of V.G.Zubchaninov. Tver: TverSTU Publ. 2011. P. 87-90.
  105. Garyaeva T.I., Georgievskii D.V. Elasticity theory problem in terms of displacements for a cylindrical layer with strongly different characteristic sizes // Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin. 2011. V. 66. No. 3. P. 56-62.
  106. Georgievskii D.V. Gravitational Stability of Vertically Moving System: Viscous Layer and Inviscid Half-Space // Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics. 2011. V. 18. No. 2. P. 144-148.
  107. Agafonov S.A., Georgiyevskii D.V. The dependence of the jump in the critical follower force for a viscoelastic bar on the form of the non-linear internal viscosity // Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 2011. V. 75. No. 3. P. 367-373.
  108. Georgievskii D.V. Saint-Venant flow in a thin layer under plastic compression // Mechanics of Solids. 2011. V. 46. No. 4. P. 579-588.
  109. Georgievskii D.V., Mueller W.H., Abali B.E. Eigenvalue problems for the generalized Orr - Sommerfeld equation in the theory of hydrodynamic stability // Doklady Physics. 2011. V. 56. No. 9. P. 494-497.
  110. Georgievskii D.V. Tensor nonlinear shear flows: material functions and diffusion-vortex solutions // Russian Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics. 2011. V. 7. No. 3. P. 451-463.
  111. Georgievskii D.V. Compression and outflow of an asymptotically thin perfectly rigid-plastic spherical layer // Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin. 2011. V. 66. No. 6. P. 148-150.
  112. Georgievskii D.V. Superpositions of the Diffusion-Vortex Solutions and Flow Control Inside Infinite Domains // Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics. 2011. V. 18. No. 4. P. 420-426.
  113. Georgievskii D.V. The formulation and integral methods of the analysis of spectral problems of stability in continuum mechanics // Vestnik of Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod. 2011. No. 4. Part 5. P. 2098-2099.
  114. Georgievskii D.V., Shamolin M.V. Levi-Civita symbols, generalized vector products, and new integrable cases in mechanics of multidimensional bodies // Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2012. V. 187. No. 3. P. 280-299.
  115. Georgievskii D.V., Yushutin V.S. Quasi-static compression and spreading of an asymptotically thin nonlinear viscoplastic layer // Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2012. V. 53. No. 3. P. 437-443.
  116. Georgievskii D.V. General solutions of weakened equations in terms of stresses in the theory of elasticity // Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin. 2013. V. 68. No. 1. P. 1-7.
  117. Georgievskii D.V., Mueller W.H., Abali B.E. Establishing experiments to find material functions in tensor nonlinear constitutive relations // Bulletin of the Russian Acad. Sci.: Physics. 2012. V. 76. No. 12. P. 1374-1377.
  118. Georgievskii D.V. Asymptotic integration in the problem on dynamic compression of a thin plastic layer // Contemporary Problems of Continuum Mechanics. Works of the 16th International Conference. V. 1. Rostov-na-Donu: YuFU Publ. 2012. P. 60-64.
  119. Georgievskii D.V. On formulations of the dynamic problem in terms of stresses in isotropic elasticity // "Elasticity & Anelasticity". M.: MSU Publ., 2012. P.67-73.
  120. Georgievskii D.V., Semenov A.S. Eigenvalue Problems Modelling the Stability of a Plane-Parallel Shear in a Two-Layer Viscous Composite // Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics. 2012. V. 19. No. 4. P. 461-468.
  121. Meleshko V.V., Georgievskii D.V. Preface. A commemoration of Alexey Antonovich Ilyushin // Journal of Engineering Mathematics. 2013. V. 78. No. 1. P. 1-2.
  122. Georgievskii D.V. Stability of Bingham flows: from the earliest works of A.A.Il'yushin to the present // Journal of Engineering Mathematics. 2013. V. 78. No. 1. P. 9-17.
  123. Georgievskii D.V. Asymptotic integration of the Prandtl problem in dynamic statement // Mechanics of Solids. 2013. V. 48. No. 1. P. 79-85.
  124. Georgiyevskii D.V. Extrusion of a plastic material from a circular sector with a small apex angle and a sink at the vertex // Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 2013. V. 77. No. 1. P. 109-114.
  125. Georgievskii D.V. Linear algebraic symmetrization of the Beltrami - Michell equations operator // Doklady Physics. 2013. V. 58. No. 2. P. 56-58.
  126. Georgievskii D.V. Hydrodynamical and computational aspects and stability problems for viscoplastic flows // Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2013. V. 189. No. 2. P. 223-256.
  127. Georgievskii D.V. Shear Flows in a Plane Viscoplastic Layer with the Plasticity Criterion Weakly Depending on Pressure // Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics. 2013. V. 20. No. 2. P. 182-188.
  128. Georgievskii D.V. Symmetrization of the tensor operator of the compatibility equations in stresses in the anisotropic theory of elasticity // Mechanics of Solids. 2013. V. 48. No. 4. P. 405-409.
  129. Georgievskii D.V. The angle between the stress deviator and the strain-rate deviator in a tensor nonlinear isotropic medium // Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin. 2013. V. 68. No. 6. P. 149-151.
  130. Agakhi K.A., Georgievskii D.V. Tensor nonlinear constitutive relations of isotropic creep theory with tensor measure of damage // Izvestiya Tulskogo GU. Estestvennye nauki. 2013. No. 2(2). P. 10-16.
  131. Filippov Ya.Yu., Larionov D.S., Putlyaev V.I., Kolyagin Yu.G., Georgievskii D.V., Agakhi K.A., Kovalkov V.K., Sokolov A.V. Kinetic peculiarities of formation of the reaction-connected phosphate biomaterials // Nanomaterialy: Fizika, Khimiya, Matematika. 2013. V. 4. No. 1. P. 54-65.
  132. Georgievskii D.V. On "orthogonal effects" of stress-strain state in continuum mechanics // Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Ser.: Physics & Mathematics 2013. No. 3. P. 114-116.
  133. Abali B.E., Mueller W.H., Georgievskii D.V. A discrete-mechanical approach for computation of three-dimensional flows // ZAMM. 2013. V. 93. No. 12. P. 868-881.
  134. Abali B.E., Mueller W.H., Georgievskii D.V. Inverse analysis of a non-linear viscous fluid based on dissipated energy measured with a simple-shear rheometer // Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 2013. V. 13. No. 1. P. 179-180.
  135. Georgievskii D.V. Review of the monograph A.A.Tikhonov "Tensor Simulation of Geomagnetic Field" // Izvestiya of Tomsk Polytechnic Univ. 2013. V.323. No.2. P. 208-210.
  136. Georgievskii D.V. Compatibility equations in systems based on generalized Cauchy kinematic relations // Mechanics of Solids. 2014. V. 49. No. 1. P. 99-103.
  137. Georgievskii D.V. How to Formulate the Initial-Boundary-Value Problem of Elastodynamics in Terms of Stresses ? // In: Zgurovsky M.Z., Sadovnichiy V.A. (eds) Continuous and Distributed Systems: Theory and Applications. Ser. Solid Mechanics and Its Applications. Springer, Heidelberg. 2014. V. 211. P. 89-95.
  138. Georgievskii D.V., Mueller W.H., Abali B.E. Generalizations of the Orr-Sommerfeld Problem for the Case in Which the Unperturbed Motion is Nonsteady // Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics. 2014. V. 21. No. 2. P. 189-196.
  139. Georgievskii D.V. Constructing generalized Cesaro formulas for finite plane strains // Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2014. V. 55. No. 3. P. 494-498.
  140. Georgievskii D.V. Evolution of three-dimensional picture of disturbances imposed on a rotational-axial flow in a cylindrical clearance // Russian Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics. 2014. V. 10. No. 3. P. 345-354.
  141. Georgievskii D.V. Perfectly rigid plastic flow in the thin gap between two approaching coaxial cones // Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin. 2014. V. 69. No. 6. P. 133-138.
  142. Georgievskii D.V., Kvachev K.V. The Lyapunov–Movchan method in problems of the stability of flows and deformation processes // Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 2014. V. 78. No. 6. P. 621-633.
  143. Akulenko L.D., Georgievskii D.V., Nesterov S.V. Transverse vibration spectrum of a part of a moving rod under a longitudinal load // Mechanics of Solids. 2015. V. 50. No. 2. P. 227-231.
  144. Georgievskii D.V., Pobedrya B.E. On the Compatibility Equations in Terms of Stresses in Many-Dimensional Elastic Medium // Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics. 2015. V. 22. No. 1. P. 6-8.
  145. Georgievskii D.V. A generalized analysis of perturbation patterns for the Poiseuille flow in a tube // Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin. 2015. V. 70. No. 4. P. 86-91.
  146. Georgievskii D.V., Israilov M.Sh. Seismodynamics of extended underground structures and soils: Statement of the problem and self-similar solutions // Mechanics of Solids. 2015. V. 50. No.4. P. 473-484.
  147. Pobedria B.E., Georgievskii D.V. Uniform Approach to Construction of Nonisothermal Models in the Theory of Constitutive Relations // In: Sadovnichiy V.A., Zgurovsky M.Z. (eds) Continuous and Distributed Systems: Theory and Applications. II. Ser. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control. Springer, Heidelberg. 2015. V. 30. P. 341-352.
  148. Georgievskii D.V. Uniaxial extension of a thin rigid-plastic sheet in the presence of a neck // Doklady Physics. 2015. V. 60. No. 7. P. 310-313.
  149. Georgievskii D.V. The Galerkin tensor operator, reduction to tetraharmonic equations, and their fundamental solutions // Doklady Physics. 2015. V. 60. No. 8. P. 364-367.
  150. Georgievskii D.V. One estimate for evolution of disturbances in nonsteady plane-parallel Saint-Venant flows // Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Physics. 2015. V. 1. No. 1. P. 147-150.
  151. Georgievskii D.V. The generalized Galyorkin representation for transversal isotropic linear elastic medium // Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 2015. V. 79. No. 6. P. 618-621.
  152. Georgievskii D.V. Establishing experiments in tensor nonlinear theories of continuum mechanics // Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin. 2016. V. 71. No. 2. P. 49-50.
  153. Pobedria B.E., Georgievskii D.V. Stress-strain state near a neck in an extended rigid plastic bar // "Elasticity & Anelasticity". M.: MSU Publ., 2016. P. 105-110.
  154. Akulenko L.D., Georgievskii D.V., Nesterov S.V. Spectrum of transverse vibrations of a pipeline element under longitudinal load // Doklady Physics. 2016. V. 61. No. 3. P. 129-132.
  155. Georgievskii D.V., Pobedrya B.E. Asymptotic Analysis of Evolution of a Neck in Extended Thin Rigid Plastic Solids // Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics. 2016. V. 23. No. 2. P. 200-206.
  156. Georgievskii D.V. Potentiality of isotropic nonlinear tensor functions relating two deviators // Mechanics of Solids. 2016. V. 51. No.5. P. 619-622.
  157. Pobedria B.E., Georgievskii D.V. Two Thermodynamical Laws as the Forth and the Fifth Integral Postulates of Continuum Mechanics // In: Sadovnichiy V.A., Zgurovsky M.Z. (eds) Advances in Dynamical Systems and Control. Ser. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control. Springer, Heidelberg. 2016. V. 69. P. 317-325.
  158. Georgievskii D.V. Generalized Compatibility Equations for Tensors of High Ranks in Multidimensional Continuum Mechanics // Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics. 2016. V. 23. No. 4. P. 475-483.
  159. Georgievskii D.V., Putkaradze V.G., Tlyustangelov G.S. Three-dimensional perturbations of the radial-rotational spread-sink of a viscous cylindrical layer // Doklady Physics. 2017. V. 62. No. 4. P. 218-221.
  160. Georgievskii D.V. Exact solutions to a problem in terms of stresses for incompressible elastic conical bodies // Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin. 2017. V. 72. No. 4. P. 101-102.
  161. Georgievskii D.V., Shabaykin R.R. Quasistatic and dynamic compressing of a plane circular perfect plastic layer by rigid plates // Mathematical Modeling and Experimental Mechanics of Deformable Solid. Tver: TverSTU Publ. 2017. P. 56-63.
  162. Georgievskii D.V., Tlyustangelov G.S. Exponential estimates of perturbations of rigid-plastic spreading-sink of an annulus // Mechanics of Solids. 2017. V. 52. No. 4. P. 465-472.
  163. Georgievskii D.V., Tlyustangelov G.S. Estimates of the evolution of small perturbations in the radial spread (drain) of a viscous ring // Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2017. V. 58. No. 4. P. 610-618.
  164. Akulenko L.D., Georgievskii D.V., Kumakshev S.A. Multi-Mode Symmetric and Asymmetric Solutions in the Jeffery-Hamel Problem for a Convergent Channel // In: Altenbach H., Goldstein R.V., Murashkin E. (eds) Mechanics for Materials and Technologies. Ser. Advanced Structured Materials. Springer. 2017. V. 46. P. 1-31.
  165. Georgievskii D.V. Constitutive Relations in Multidimensional Isotropic Elasticity and Their Restrictions to Subspaces of Lower Dimensions // Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics. 2017. V. 24. No. 3. P. 322-325.
  166. Georgievskii D.V. Features of stress-strain state in multidimensional elastic continuum // Topics of Applied Mathematics and Problem of Interaction of Solids with Liquid and Gas Media. M: Dialog MIFI. 2017. P. 234-241.
  167. Georgievskii D.V. Linearization of tensor nonlinear constitutive relations in the problems on stability of flows // Chebyshevskiy Sbornik. 2017. V. 18. No.3. P. 201-208.
  168. Akulenko L.D., Baydulov V.G., Georgievskii D.V., Nesterov S.V. Evolution of natural frequencies of longitudinal vibrations of a bar as its cross-section defect increases // Mechanics of Solids. 2017. V. 52. No. 6. P. 708-714.
  169. Georgievskii D.V. Estimation of the decay of perturbations imposed on an accelerating viscoplastic Couette flow // Doklady Physics. 2018. V. 63. No. 2. P. 86-88.
  170. Gay-Balmaz F., Georgievskii D., Putkaradze V. Stability of helical tubes conveying fluid // Journal of Fluids and Strutures. 2018. V. 78. No. 2. P. 146-174.
  171. Georgievskii D.V. On the diffusion of a rigid viscoplastic vortex layer // Russian Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics. 2018. V. 14. No. 1. P. 63-67.
  172. Georgievskii D.V. An order of smallness of the Poynting effect from the standpoint of the tensor nonlinear functions apparatus // Mechanics of Solids. 2018. V. 53. No. 4. P. 381-384.
  173. Georgievskii D.V. The problems in terms of stresses of diffusion-vortex class in infinite rigid viscoplastic space // Mechanics of Solids. 2018. V. 53. No. 5. P. 520-526.
  174. Georgievskii D.V. Stability of an unsteady shear of Bingham medium in the plane layer // Fluid Dynamics. 2018. V. 53. Suppl. 2. P. 55-63.
  175. Georgievskii D.V. Existence of Perturbed Equilibrium States in Some Two-Layer Systems with Density Inversion // Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics. 2018. V. 25. No. 4. P. 492-499.
  176. Georgievskii D.V. Procedure of the Galerkin Representation in Transversely Isotropic Elasticity // In: Sadovnichiy V.A., Zgurovsky M.Z. (eds) Modern Mathematics and Mechanics. Ser. Understanding Complex Systems. Springer. 2019. P. 117-124.
  177. Georgievskii D.V., Ilyushina E.A. Ilyushin, Alexei Antonovich // In: Altenbach H., Oechsner A. (eds) Encyclopedia of Continuum Mechanics. Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg. 2019.
  178. Georgievskii D.V., Gorbachev V.I. Pobedrya, Boris Efimovich // In: Altenbach H., Oechsner A. (eds) Encyclopedia of Continuum Mechanics. Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg. 2019.
  179. Georgievskii D.V. Types of Physical Nonlinearity in the Theory of Constitutive Relations and the Generalized Poynting Effect // In: Abali B.E., Altenbach H., dell'Isola F., Eremeyev V.A., Oechsner A. (eds) New Achievements in Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics. Ser. Advanced Structured Materials. Springer. 2019. V. 108. P. 129-136.
  180. Georgievskii D.V. Isolated stable initial perturbations of unstable equilibria of some mechanical systems // Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin. 2019. V. 74. No. 3. P. 60-64.
  181. Georgievskii D.V. Statements of linearized boundary value problems of continuum mechanics with a spectral parameter in the boundary conditions // Differential Equations. 2019. V. 55. No. 5. P. 669-676.
  182. Georgievskii D.V. High-rank deformators and the Kroener incompatibility tensors with two-dimensional structure of indices // Doklady Physics. 2019. V. 64. No. 6. P. 256-257.
  183. Georgievskii D.V. On the role of two thermodynamic postulates in phenomenologic construction of continuum mechanics // Chebyshevskiy Sbornik. 2019. V. 20. No.3. P. 135-143.
  184. Georgievskii D.V., Mueller W.H., Abali B.E. Thin-layer inertial effects in plasticity and dynamics in the Prandtl problem // ZAMM. 2019. V. 99. No. 12. P. 1-11.
  185. Georgievskii D.V. Small Perturbations of the Diffusion-Vortex Flows of a Newtonian Liquid in a Half-Plane // Fluid Dynamics. 2020. V. 55. No. 7. P. 871-876.
  186. Georgievskii D.V., Putkaradze V.G. Evolution of Perturbations Imposed on 1D Unsteady Shear in a Viscous Half-Plane with Oscillating Boundary // Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics. 2020. V. 27. No. 2. P. 212-217.
  187. Georgievskii D.V. The Diffusion-Vortex Problems in Terms of Stresses for Bingham Materials // In: Abali B.E., Giorgio I. (eds) Developments and Novel Approaches in Nonlinear Solid Body Mechanics. Ser. Advanced Structured Materials. Springer. 2020. V. 130. P. 59-65.
  188. Georgievskii D.V. Estimates of the Exponential Decay of Perturbations Superimposed on the Longitudinal Harmonic Vibrations of a Viscous Layer // Differential Equations. 2020. V. 56. No. 10. P. 1335-1344.
  189. Georgievskii D.V. Nonlinear Tensor Functions of Two Arguments and Some "Orthogonal Effects" of Stress-Strain State // Mechanics of Solids. 2020. V. 55. No. 5. P. 619-623.
  190. Georgievskii D.V. Stability of diffusion-vortex Newtonian flows inside a half-plane // Contemporary Problems of Continuum Mechanics. Works of the 20th International Conference. V. 1. Rostov-na-Donu - Taganrog: YuFU Publ. 2020. P. 72-76.
  191. Georgievskii D.V. Second Order Linear Differential Operators over High Ranks Tensor Fields // Mechanics of Solids. 2020. V. 55. No. 6. P. 808-812.
  192. Akulenko L.D., Georgievskii D.V., Nesterov S.V. The advanced convergence method in the problem on torsional oscillations of a circular disk inhomogeneous in thickness // Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin. 2020. V. 75. No. 6. P. 180-182.
  193. Georgievskii D.V. Integral estimates of oscillating stability of a shear flow inside a plane viscous layer (3D perturbations) // Contemporary Problems in Stability, Plasticity, and Creep in Mechanics of Deformable Solid. Tver: TverSTU Publ. 2020. P. 120-125.
  194. Georgievskii D.V. Reduction of the Lame Tensor Equations to the System of Non-Coupled Tetraharmonic Equations // In: Sadovnichiy V.A., Zgurovsky M.Z. (eds) Contemporary Approaches and Methods in Fundamental Mathematics and Mechanics. Ser. Understanding Complex Systems. Springer Nature. 2021. P. 27-33.
  195. Georgievskii D.V., Shabaykin R.R. Quasistatic and Dynamic Deformation of an Asymptotically Thin Perfectly Rigid-Plastic Spherical Layer // In: Altenbach H., Eremeyev V.A., Igumnov L.A. (eds) Multiscale Solid Mechanics. Strength, Durability, and Dynamics. Ser. Advanced Structured Materials. Springer. 2021. V. 141. P. 155-161.
  196. Georgievskii D.V. Asymptotics of eigenvalues in the Orr-Sommerfeld problem for low velocities of unperturbed flow // Doklady Mathematics. 2021. V. 103. No. 1. P. 19-22.
  197. Georgievskii D.V. Stability of Three-Axial Tension-Compression of a Viscous Parallelepiped with Respect to the Energy Measure // Differential Equations. 2021. V. 57. No. 5. P. 630-635.
  198. Georgievskii D.V. On the invariant correspondence between the symmetric second-rank tensors and the vector systems // Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin. 2021. V. 76. No. 3. P. 83-87.
  199. Georgievskii D.V. Stability with Respect to Energetic Measures for Biaxial Tension–Compression of a Beam with Rectangular Cross-Section // Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics. 2021. V. 28. No. 3. P. 333-341.
  200. Georgievskii D.V. Dynamic regimes for tension of a rod made of a perfectly rigid-plastic material // Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2021. V. 62. No. 5. P. 806-815.
  201. Georgievskii D.V. Sequential Triaxial Dynamic Compression of a Parallelepiped // Mechanics of Solids. 2021. V. 56. No. 8. P. 1651-1656.
  202. Vasin R.A., Georgievskii D.V., Chistyakov P.V. Trends and possible approaches to mathematical modeling of ratcheting // "Elasticity & Anelasticity". M.: MSU Publ., 2021. P.38-47.
  203. Georgievskii D.V. Two Thermodynamic Laws in Phenomenological Mechanics of Continuum: Postulates or Definitions ? // In: Giorgio I., Placidi L., Barchiesi E., Abali B.E., Altenbach H. (eds) Theoretical Analysis, Computations, and Experiments of Multiscale Materials. Ser. Advanced Structured Materials. Springer. 2022. P. 145-154.
  204. Georgievskii D.V., Stetsenko N.S. Complex Aleksandrovich Representation of Solutions in Displacements in the Three-Dimensional Theory of Elasticity // Mechanics of Solids. 2022. V. 57. No. 3. P. 455-461.
  205. Georgievskii D.V. Conditions for the Division of the Deviator and Spherical Properties for Nonlinear Isotropic Tensor Functions // Doklady Physics. 2022. V. 67. No. 6. P. 165-168.
  206. Georgievskii D.V. Friedrichs inequalities and sharpened sufficient stability conditions of plane-parallel flows // Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin. 2022. V. 77. No. 3. P. 61-65.
  207. Georgievskii D.V. Thin-Layer Asymptotics in the Generalized Prandtl Problem for an Inhomogeneously Thick Plastic Materials // Mechanics of Solids. 2022. V. 57. No. 8. P. 2050-2057.
  208. Georgievskii D.V. Anisotropic scalar constitutive equations and corresponding models of viscoplastic flow // Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin. 2022. V. 77. No. 5. P. 143-145.
  209. Georgievskii D.V. Isotropic Tensor Functions with Quasipolynomial Scalar Potential in Nonlinear Elasticity Theory // Mechanics of Solids. 2022. V. 57. No. 6. P. 1359-1364.
  210. Georgievskii D.V. Finite Perturbations by Yield Stress of the Constitutive Relations of Nonlinear Viscous Media // Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics. 2022. V. 29. No. 4. P. 494-499.
  211. Georgievskii D.V. Schemes of Experiments to Determine the Kernels of Some Difference-Type Operators for Media with a Nonrelaxing Volume // Mechanics of Solids. 2023. V. 58. No. 7. P. 2595-2601.
  212. Georgievskii D.V. Three-Term Representations of Power Tensor Series in the Theory of Constitutive Relations // Doklady Physics. 2023. V. 68. No. 1. P. 6-8.
  213. Georgievskii D.V. Effect of yield strength on flow rate in one-dimensional shear flows of nonlinear viscous media // Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2023. V. 64. No. 2. P. 349-354.
  214. Georgievskii D.V., Putkaradze V.G. Energy-Based Stability Estimates for Incompressible Media with Tensor-Nonlinear Constitutive Relations // Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics. 2023. V. 35. No. 4. P. 1403-1415.
  215. Georgievskii D.V., Moskvitin G.V. V.V.Moskvitin's scientific heritage and his contribution to the development of Russian mechanics // Engineering and Automation Problems. 2023. No. 2. P. 120-130.
  216. Banko V.A., Georgievskii D.V. Quasi-self-similar solutions to some parabolic problems in the theory of viscoplastic flow // Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin. 2023. V. 78. No. 4. P. 102-109.
  217. Banko V.A., Georgievskii D.V. Rectilinear Vortex Thread in a Radially Nonhomogeneous Bingham Solid // Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics. 2023. V. 30. No. 3. P. 275-279.
  218. Georgievskii D.V. Properties of Operator Constitutive Relations in Mechanics of Deformable Solid // Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. 2023. V. 50. No. 2. P. 103-115.
  219. Georgievskii D.V., Rautian N.A. Measure of unloadimg disproportion in the theory of small elastoplastic deformations // Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin. 2024. V. 79. No. 2. P. 69-73.
  220. Georgievskii D.V., Rautian N.A. Well-Posed Solvability of Volterra Integro-Differential Equations Arising in Viscoelasticity Theory // Differential Equations. 2024. V. 60. No. 4. P. 504-521.
  221. Georgievskii D.V., Banko V.A. Acceleration of Shear Flow in a Viscoplastic Half-Plane with a Depth-Varying Yield Stress // Mechanics of Solids. 2024. V. 59. No. . P. .
  222. Georgievskii D.V. Compatibility of Deformations and the Thrice Differentiability of the Displacement Field // Mechanics of Solids. 2024. V. 59. No. 2. P. 731-733.
  223. Georgievskii D.V. Tensor Linearity of Two-Dimensional Isotropic Functions in the Plane Problem of Nonlinear Theory of Elasticity // Doklady Physics. 2024. V. 69. No. 3. P. .
  224. Georgievskii D.V. Tensor Nonlinear Viscoelastic Models of the Maxwell Type: Vibration Creep and Ratchetting // Mechanics of Solids. 2024. V. 59. No. 3. P. 1195-1200.
  225. Georgievskii D.V. The Table of Postulates in Continuum Mechanics and the Principles for Forming Its Rows // Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2024. V. 65. No. 6. P. .
  226. Georgievskii D.V., Tsvetkov I.M. Flows of Thin Ideally Stiff-Plastic Bodies: Dynamic Regimes and Necking // Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin. 2024. V. 79. No. 6. P. .
  227. Georgievskii D.V. Sufficient Energy Estimates of Stability of Unsteady Combined Shear Flows in a Cylindrical Layer // Fluid Dynamics. 2024. V. 59. No. 6. P. 1765-1772.
  228. Georgievskii D.V. Experimental Confirmation of the Reciprocity of Creep and Relaxation Functions in the Linear Theory of Viscoelasticity // Doklady Physics. 2024. V. 69. No. 6. P. .

Participation in Conferences, Simposia, and Congresses:

  • II-IX Symposia "Problems of Strength, Plasticity and Stability in Solid Mechanics" (Kalinin, 1986; Tver, 1992; 1998; 2000; 2006; 2010; 2015; 2020)
  • All-Union Conference "Optimal Design of Non-Elastic Elements of Constructions" (Tartu, 1989)
  • All-Union Conference "Numerical Methods for Solving Problems of Engineering, Elasticity, and Plasticity" (Volgograd, 1990)
  • 3rd All-Union Conference "Mechanics of Inhomogeneous Structures" (Lvov, 1991)
  • Scientific Symposium "Thermo-Visco-Elasto-Plastic Deformation Processes in Elements of Constructions" (Kanev, 1992)
  • 3rd International Conference on Computational Plasticity (ComPlas III) (Barcelona, Spain, 1992)
  • XI International Congress on Rheology (Brussels, Belgium, 1992)
  • Scientific Conference "Mechanics and Its Applications" (Tashkent, 1993)
  • International Conferences "Dynamical Systems Modelling and Stability Investigation" (Kiev, 1994-1997; 1999; 2001; 2003; 2005; 2007; 2009; 2011; 2013; 2015; 2017)
  • 3rd, 4th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM) (Hamburg, Germany, 1995; Edinburgh, UK, 1999)(PHOTO)
  • Annual Meeting GAMM (Hamburg, Germany, 1995; Metz, France, 1999; Goettingen, Germany, 2000; Karlsruhe, Germany, 2010; Novi Sad, Serbia, 2013)
  • 2nd Siberian Congress on Applied and Industrial Mathematics (INPRIM-96) (Novosibirsk, 1996)
  • 7th International Symposium "Methods of Discrete Singularities in Problems of Mathematical Physics" (Feodosiya, 1997)
  • 9th Conference on Differential Equations (EQUADIFF) (Brno, Czech, 1997)
  • NATO-ASI "Mechanics of Composite Materials and Structures" (Troya, Portugal, 1998)(PHOTO)
  • International Conference "Differential and Integral Equations" (Odessa, 2000)
  • 16th IMACS World Congress (Lausanne, Switzerland, 2000)
  • International Scientific Symposiums on Problems in Solid Mechanics, dedicated to the Ninetieth, Ninety-Fifth, Century, 105th and 110th Anniversary of A.A.Il'yushin (Moscow, 2001; 2006; 2011; 2016; 2021)
  • International Conferences "Differential Equations and Related Topics", dedicated to the Centenary Anniversary of I.G.Petrovskii (Moscow, 2001)
  • 8-13 All-Russian Congresses on Fundamental Problems in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (Perm, 2001; Nizhniy Novgorod, 2006; 2011; Kazan, 2015; Ufa, 2019; Saint-Petersburg, 2023)
  • International Conferences "Kolmogorov and Contemporary Mathematics" in Commemoration of the Centenary and 120th Anniversary of A.N.Kolmogorov (Moscow, 2003; 2023)
  • 21st International Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM) (Warsaw, Poland, 2004)
  • 5th ISAAC Congress (Catania, Italy, 2005)
  • International Conference on Physics and Control (PhysCon 2005) (Saint-Petersburg, 2005)
  • International Workshop "Research in Mechanics of Composites 2006" (Bad-Herrenalb, Germany, 2006)
  • International Conference "Non-Classic Problems of Mechanics" (Kutaisi, 2007)
  • International Conference on Boundary Value Problems "Mathematical Models in Engineering, Biology and Medicine" (Santiago-de-Compostela, Spain, 2008)
  • International Conferences "Contemporary Problems in Mathematics, Mechanics, Informatics" (Tula, 2008-2011, 2013, 2014)
  • International Conferences "Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics", dedicated to the Seventy and Eighty Anniversaries of Rector of MSU, Academician V.A.Sadovnichiy (Moscow, 2009, 2019)
  • 2nd International Scientific Conference "Aerocosmic Technologies", dedicated to the Ninetieth Anniversary of V.N.Chelomey (Moscow, 2009)
  • 7th EUROMECH Solid Mechanics Conference (ESMC2009) (Lisbon, Portugal, 2009)
  • XVI, XX, XXI International Conferences "Contemporary Problems of Continuum Mechanics" (Rostov-na-Donu, 2012, 2020, 2023)
  • International Conference "Turbulence and Wave Processes", dedicated to the centenary of M.D.Millionshchikov (Moscow, 2013)
  • 5th International Conference "Multiscale Modeling and Methods: Upscaling in Engineering and Medicine" (Moscow, 2015)
  • International Conference "Contemporary Problems of Mathematical Physics and Computational Mathematics", dedicated to the 110th Anniversary of A.N.Tikhonov (Moscow, 2016)
  • 8th International Conference on Design, Modelling and Experiments of Advanced Structures and Systems (DeMEASS VIII) (Moscow, 2017)
  • International Conference "Contemporary Methods in the Theory of Boundary Value Problems "Pontryaginskiye Chteniya - XXIX", dedicated to the 90th Anniversary of V.A.Ilyin" (Moscow, 2018)
  • 7th International Conference on Mathematical Modeling in Physical Sciences (Moscow, 2018)
  • 27th and 28 th All-Russian Conference on Numerical Methods in Problems of Elasticity and Plasticity (Krasnoyarsk, 2021, 2023)
  • 9th International Congress of the Serbian Society of Mechanics (Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia, 2023)
  • International Conference "Mathematics in the Constellation of Sciences", dedicated to the 85th anniversary of Rector of MSU, Academician V.A.Sadovnichiy (Moscow, 2024)
  • All-Russian Conference "Mathematical Problems of Continuum Mechanics", dedicated to the 105th Anniversary of L.V.Ovsyannikov (Novosibirsk, 2024)
  • 3rd International Conference on Advanced Smart Materials and Structures (ASMaS 2024) (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 2024)
  • International Conference on Mechanics "Tenth Polyakhov Readings" (Saint-Petersburg, 2024)
  • Seventh Professor Forum "Education, Science, Family - The Basics of Russia's Development" (Moscow, 2024)


The Prize at the Competition of Young Scientists of MSU ("Non-Steady Visco- and Perfect Rigid-Plastic Flows and Its Stability") (1995).

Ivan Shuvalov' Prize (Doctor Thesis "Stability of Viscoplastic Flows with Arbitrary Hardening" (1997)).

The Prize of the Academia Europaea for CIS young scientists (1999).

The Award of the International Society for Analysis, its Applications, and Computation (ISAAC) for young scientists (2005).

The Support Grants for Students, Post-Graduates, and Young Scientists of MSU (2007; 2009).

Academician Khalil Rakhmatulin' Medal (2016).

The Scientific Student Council of Mechanical & Mathematical Dep. (the Head: 1986-1988). The Young Scientists Council of MSU (membership : 1994-2000).