Vladimir Manuilov's homepage
Dept. of Mech. and Math.
Moscow State University
Moscow, 119992, RUSSIA
Fax and phone: +007 (495) 939 37 98
E-Mail: manuilov[at]mech[dot]math[dot]msu[dot]su
Research Interests:
Research fields are C*-algebras and topology, esp., Hilbert C*- and
W*-modules, their inner structure and operators on them; asymptotic
representations of discrete groups and almost commuting operators;
asymptotic homomorphisms of C*-algebras, E-theory and extensions of
C*-algebras; topological applications.
Harbin (2005-2015)
Vanderbilt (2007)
Muenster (2008)
Some useful links related to Operator Algebras:
Operator Algebras and Topology Page
Algebra Page maintained by N.C.Phillips
C*-modules Home Page maintained by Michael Frank
Mathematical Society
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Back to the Chair of Higher Geometry and Topology
of the Department of Mechanics and Mathematics
of the Moscow State University
© Vladimir Manuilov