1. Personal data
First name Evgueni
Middle name Vadimovich
Family name TROITSKY
Affiliation Full professor, Chair of Higher Geometry and Topology
Dept. of Mechanics and Mathematics, M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University,
Moscow 119992 Russia
Phone/Fax +7 (495) 939 37 98
E-mail troitsky@mech.math.msu.su
Web site http://mech.math.msu.su/~troitsky

2. Education
Years Level Place
1982-85 Ph.D. student in math. Dept. of Mech. and Math.
Moscow State Univ.
1977-82 MA student in math.

3. Academic Degrees
1982 MA thesis in math. from Moscow State Univ. Supervisor: Prof. Yu.P.Solovyov
1986 PhD thesis in math. from Moscow State Univ. Supervisors:Prof. A.S.Mishenko, Prof. Yu.P.Solovyov
Thesis:"Index of equivariant C*-elliptic operators"
1991 Certificate of Associate Professor in appl. math. from Moscow High Technical School
1993 Doctor of Sciences in math. from Moscow State Univ. Thesis "C*-index theory in geometry and topology"
1996 State Certificate of Full Professor of the Chair of Higher Geometry and Topology

4. Academic carrier
1985-88 Junior researcher, Chair of Higher Geometry and Topology, Moscow State Univ.
1988-91 Assistant Professor, Chair of Higher Geometry and Topology, Moscow State Univ.
1991-93 Senior Assistant Professor, Chair of Higher Geometry and Topology, Moscow State Univ.
1993-95 Associate Professor, Chair of Higher Geometry and Topology, Moscow State Univ.
1995-present Full Professor, Chair of Higher Geometry and Topology, Moscow State Univ.

5. Some awards
1987 Prize of the competition of young researchers, Moscow State Univ.
1994 Fellowship of DAAD
1994-97 State scientific fellowship
1996-1998, 1999-2001,
2002-2004, 2007-2009,
2010-2012, 2013-2015
Head of Grant of RFBR
2000-2001 Presidential Grant
2001, 2002, 2005 Grant of Moscow
2006 Prize of MSU for research achievements
2021 Honorary award "Honorary employee in Education of the Russian Federation"

6. Participation in international projects
  1. INTAS grant 94-3420: Geometric group theory.
    Collaboration with European research groups of P.Pansu (Paris) (coordinator), P. de la Harpe (Genève), D.B.A.Epstein (Warwick), E.Ghys (Lyon).
  2. INTAS grant 96-1099: Operator K-Theory and Non-commutative Geometry.
    Collaboration with European research groups of G.Pedersen (Copenhagen) (coordinator), J.Cuntz (Heidelberg/Münster), M.Frank (Leipzig), G.Kasparov (Marseille), A.Ranicki (Edinburgh).
  3. RFBR/DFG grant 96-01-00028/Ei 280/2-1: Indextheorie und numerische Invarianten für Mannigfaltigkeiten.
    Collaboration with German research groups of J.Eichhorn (Greifswald), Th.Friedrich (Berlin), W.Lück (Münster).
  4. RFBR/DFG grant 07-01-91555: K-theory, C*-algebras, and index theory.
    Collaboration with German research teams of M.Frank (Leipzig), W.Lück (Münster), Th.Schick (Göttingen).
  5. RFBR/Royal Society grant 10-01-92601-КО_а: Operator algebras and proper actions of groups.
    Collaboration with British research team of J.Brodzki (Southampton).
7. Conferences organizing/scientific committees
  1. Topology, Analysis, and Related Topics. Moscow, 2001.
  2. C*-Algebras and Elliptic Theory. Bedlewo (Poland), 2004.
  3. Topology, Analysis, and Applications to Mathematical Physics. Moscow, 2005.
  4. C*-Algebras and Elliptic Theory. II. Bedlewo (Poland), 2006.
  5. Operator Algebras and Topology. Moscow, 2007.
  6. C*-Algebras and Elliptic Theory. III. Bedlewo (Poland), 2009.
  7. K-theory, C*-algebras and topology of manifolds. Tianjin (China), 2009.
  8. K-Theory, C*-Algebras and Index Theory Göttingen (Germany), 2010.
  9. Summer school on geometrical methods in mathematical physics Voskresenskoe, Moscow District, 2011.
  10. Analysis, Topology and Applications Harbin (China), 2011.
  11. Geometrical Methods in Mathematical Physics Moscow, 2011.
  12. 2-nd Summer school on geometrical methods in mathematical physics Voskresenskoe, Moscow District, June 25-29, 2012.
  13. Algebraic Structures in Integrable Systems Moscow, December 3-7, 2012.
  14. The second International Conference "K-Theory, C*-algebras and Topology of Manifolds II" Tianjin, China, 2012
  15. 3-d Summer school on geometrical methods in mathematical physics Voskresenskoe, Moscow District, June 25-28, 2013.
  16. 4-th Summer school on geometrical methods in mathematical physics Voskresenskoe, Moscow District, June 24-27, 2014.
  17. 5-th Summer school on geometrical methods in mathematical physics Krasnovidovo, Moscow District, June 23-26, 2015.
  18. 6-th Summer school on geometrical methods in mathematical physics Krasnovidovo, Moscow District, June 24-29, 2016.
  19. 7-th Summer school on geometrical methods in mathematical physics Krasnovidovo, Moscow District, July 7-10, 2020.
  20. Hilbert C*-modules online weekend December 5-6, 2020.
  21. 8-th Summer school on geometrical methods in mathematical physics Krasnovidovo, Moscow District, June 28 - July 3, 2021.
  22. International conference on Topology and its Applications dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birthday of Yu.M. Smirnov online, September 20-22, 2021.
8. Editorial activity
  1. Journal Advances in Operator Theory (Editor since 2016)
  2. C*-algebras and Elliptic Theory. Volume of Birkhauser Trends in Math., 2006.
  3. Journal K-theory (special issues)
  4. C*-algebras and Elliptic Theory. II. Volume of Birkhauser Trends in Math., 2008
  5. Fund. Appl. Math. (special issues)
9. Refereeing
  1. Sbornik Math.
  2. Izvestija Math.
  3. Funct. Anal. Appl.
  4. Math. Notes
  5. Fund. Appl. Math.
  6. Moscow Univ. Math. Bull.
  7. Comm. Math. Phys.
  8. Crelle's J.
  9. J. K-theory
  10. Topology Appl.
  11. J. Pure Appl. Alg.
  12. etc.