
Functional theory and approximation

under the guidance of A.P.Alimov, M.I.Karlov, I.G.Tsarkov

    Traditionally the seminar is held every Tuesday at 16.20 in room No.15-04 of Moscow State University Main Building at Vorobjevy Gory.

    The seminar was opened and for a long time was held under the guidance of S.B.Stechkin, professor of Moscow State University (1920-1995).



The main themes of the seminar:


     Classical theory of approximation: direct and inverse theorems of approximation theory; widths of functional classes; one-sided approximation of separate functions.

    Approximation in spaces with non-symmetric norm. 

   Geometrical theory of approximation: approximate properties of smooth sets; Chebyshev sets; suns and their generations; approximation in matrix spaces; uniqueness and non-uniqueness of the best approximation.

    Extremal problems for polinomials and trigonometric and orthogonal series.



The participants of the seminar  

Alexey R. Alimov 
Mikhail I. Karlov 
Igor G. Tsarkov 
Artem I. Kozko
Nikolay N. Andreev 



Humour (Jokes)




Traditional summer workshops in functional theory.


Every year the participants of the seminar take part in work of famous summer schools in functional theory. Why workshops, not conferences? This is because the workshops join both well-known scientists and students and all these participants contact each other not only during scientific reports, but also at lunches and playing together football or volleyball. And reports themselves are more like friendly discussions of problems, obtained results and what it is desirable to do. School atmosphere is favorable to fruitful work. All around the workshop place there are wonderful pine-trees - the workshops traditionally excluding rare exceptions are held in Ural. Every school provides a lot of friend who can give a useful advice, discuss a problem, check a decision or discuss questions interesting for you.



Disciples of S.B.Stechkin.