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1. On one class of degenerating elliptic operators.-Mat.Sb. v.79 ,N 3 (1969) ,p.p. 381-404 (in Russian)

2. On Euler's degenerating operators, defined in a bounded domain.- Vestnik Mosc. Univ. ,ser. math ,mech , N 1(1971), p.p.36-43(in Russian)

3. Boundary value problems for some classes of degenerating elliptic operators.- Soviet Math. Dokl. Vol. 12(1971) N 2, p.p.506-509.

4. On global smoothness of solutions of one class of degenerated elliptic equations ,Russian Math Surveys ,26(5), 1972, p.p.227-228 (in Russian)

5. On one class of global hypoelliptic operators.- Mat.Sb. v.91, N3 (1973), p.p.367-389(in Russian).

6. Analytical first integrals of guasilinear parabolic equations-'Vestnik Mosk.Univers.ser.Math.Mech N 1,1974,p 45-54' (in Russian)(with M.I.Vishik).

7. Analytical first integrals of the Burgers equation and of the Navier-Stokes system and their application. Reprint N 35 of Inst.of Mech.publ.of AN.USSR,1974,p.1-62. (in Russia)(with M.I.Vishik).

8. Analytical first integrals of non-linear parabolic equation and their application,-im' ' Proceeding of allunion school on diff. eq..Eg.with infinity number of variables and Dynamical Syst. inf.dim.Diligan,1973.'Erevan,1974,p.p.257-266 (in Russian)(with M.I.Vishik).

9. Analytical first integrals of Non-linear parabolic,in the sense of I.G.Petrovsky,systems of differential equations and their applications,Russian Math.Surveys,29(2) (1974), p.p.123-155 (with M.I.Vishik)

10. Analytical first integrals of non-linear parabolic equations and their application.-Math.USSR Sb.21(1973), p.p.347-377 (with M.I.Vishik)

11. Some questions on the theory of non-linear elliptic and parabolic equation.-Math.USSR Sb.23(2) (1974), 287-318 (with M.I.Vishik)

12. Asymptotic expansions of moment functions for solution non-linear parabolic equation.-Math.USSR Sb.24(4) (1974), p.p.575-591 (with M.I.Vishik).

13. Analytical first integrals of nonlinear parabolic equations and their applications . - Russian Math Surveys,30(2),1975 ,p.p.261-262(in Russian) (with M.I.Vishik)

14. The Hopf equation, statistical solutions,moment functions, corresponding to the Navier-Stokes system, and the Burgers equation.- Reprint N 66 of Inst. of Mech.probl of ANUSSR, 1976,p.p.1-68(in Russian) (with M.I.Vishik)

15. Homogeneous statistical solutions of parabolic systems of differential equations and of the Navier-Stokes system.- Reprint N 88 of Inst. of Mech probl of ANUSSR, 1977 ,p.p.1-57 (in Russian) (with M.I.Vishik)

16. The Cauchy problem for non-linear equations of the Schrodinger equation type.-Math.Sb.96(3) (1975), p.p.457-468 (in Russian) (with M.I.Vishik)

17. The Cauchy problem for the Hopf equation corresponding to parabolic equations.Statistical solutions and moment functions.- Soviet Math.Dokl.17(2) (1976),p.p.553-557 (with M.I.Vishik)

18. L'equation de Hopf, les solutions statistiques, les moments, correspondents aux systemes des equation paraboliques quasilineaires. - J. Math. Pure et Appl. 56 (1977), p.p.85- 122 (with M.I.Vishik)

19. Solution statistiques homogenes des systemes differential paraboliques et du systemes de Navier-Stokes. - Ann. Scuola, norm. super. Pisa. Cl. Sci. Ser.IV, 4(3) (1977), pp.531-576 (with M.I.Vishik)

20. Translationally homogeneous statistical solutions and indi- vidual solutions with infinite energy of the Navier-Stokes equations, - Sibirian Math. J., 19(5) (1978), pp.1005-1031 (with M.I.Vishik) (in Russian)

21. Formula for some functionals on smooth solutions of a class of systems of quasi-linear equations, Russian Math. Surveys 31(1) (1976), p.p.265-266 (in Russian)

22. First integrals and integralability of systems of quasi-linear equations. - Amer. Math. Soc. Transl. 118(2) (1982), pp.281- 306

23. Mathematical problems of statistical hydromechanics. - Moscow, Nauka, 1980, 440 p(in Russian). (with M.I.Vishik)

24. Mathematische probleme der statistichen Hydromechanik.- Leipzig,Akad.Verlag. 1986 ,428 s(in German) (with M.I.Vishik)

25. Mathematical problems of statistical hydromechanics.- Dorrend, Boston, London, 1988, 576p. Kluwer Academic publishers (in English) (with M.I.Vishik)

26. Practical work on numerical methods in optimal control problems,- Moscow,Moscow Univ. Pub. 1988 (in Russian) (with V.V.Alexandrov , N.S.Bahvalov and so on.)

27. On some control problems and results concerning the unique solubility of a mixed boundary value problem for the three- dimensional Navier-Stokes and Euler systems. - Dokl. Acad. Nauk SSSR 252(5) 1980, 1066-1070 (in Russian)

28. Control problems and theorems concerning the unique solubi- lity of a mixed boundary value problem for the three-dimen- sional Navier-Stokes and Euler equations. - Math. USSR Sbornik, 43(2) (1982), p.p.251-273

29. To the question on unique solubility of the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations for almost all initial values.-Russian Math. Surveys, 36(2) (1981), p.p.207-208 (in Russian)

30. Homogeneous statistical solution of the Navier-Stokes system.- Russian Math Surveys, 32(5),1977,p.p.179-180; (with M.I.Vishik) (in Russian)

31. Homogeneous statistical solution of the Navier-Stokes system.-Theses of 2 Vilnilous conf. on probability theory \& Math. statistic. v1,1977,p.p.82-84 (with M.I.Vishik)(in Russian)

32. Homogeneous stochastic solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations.-Int.symp.on stoch.dif.eq.Vilnicous,1978,p.p.116-117. (with H.I.Vishik, A.I.Komech)

33. X-homogeneous space-time statistical solutions \& individual solutions with nonbounded energy of the Navier-Stokes equations.Russian Math. Surveys,33(3)1978, p.p.133-134 (with H.I.Vishik \& A.I.Komech) (in Russian)

34. X-homogencous space-time statistical solutions of the Navier-Stokes system and individual solutions with infinite energy.- Dokl. A.N.USSR,39 N5 1978,p.p.1025-1028 (with H.I.Vishik)(in Russian)

35. Certain mathematical problems of statistical hydromechanics.-Russian Math. Surveys. 34(5),1979 p.p.135-210 (with H.I.Vishik \& A.I.Komech)

36. On a control problem and a result concerning the unique solubility of the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes system.Russian Math. Surveys,35(4) 1980p.188 (in Russian).

37. Properties of solution of certain extremal problems and the theorems on unique solubility of the three-dimensional Navier-stores system.-Russian Math.Surveys,36(5),1981 p.p.222-223 (in Russian)

38. Certain question of control theory of nonlinear systems with distributed parameters. Proceedings of U.G.Petrovsikij seminar.N9.1983 p.p 167-189 (in Russian)

39. x-homogeneous statistical solutions of Navier-Stokes system.- "Partical Differential Equations ",Novosibirsk,Nauka,1980,p.p. 162-166 (with M.I.Vishik) (in Russian).

40. Translationaly homogeneous statistical solution of the Navier-Stokes system and their properties.-Certain problems of Mathematics and mechanics,Moscow, Moscow univ. Publ. 1981 p.112. (in Russian).

41. Certain mathematics problems of turbulent flows statistical description.-Proceedings of school-seminar on many dimensional problems of the mechanics of continuous medium.,Dep.p.p197-217 (in Russian).

42. Space-time moments and statistical solutions concentrates on smooth solutions of the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes system or on quasilinear parabolic system.-Dokl.Akad.Nauk.SSSR,274(3),1984,p.p548-552.

43. Control problems for the Navier-Stokes system and for other nonlinear distributed systems. - TAGUNG Particle differential algleichungen und optimal steuerung , vom.3, bis.5, october 1984, Merseburg. 1984, p.p.4-5. (in Russian).

44. Properties of solutions of some control problems connected with the Navier - Stokes equations, Dokl. Acad. Nauk SSSR, 25(1) (1982). p.p. 40 - 45 ( in Russian )

45. Properties of solutions of certain extremal problems connected with the Navier - Stokes equations. - Math USSR Sbornik, 46(3), (1983),p.p.323-351

46. Statistical extremal problems and unique solubility of the three-dimensional Navier - Stokes equations for almost all initialvalue.- Prikl. Mat. i Mech. 5(1982),p.p.797-805

47. On numerical method of the energy - using minimization in nonstationary thermo-electrical cooling process. Ing.Phys.J.,51(4) (1986), p.p.690-691 ( with A.S.Laktiushkin, A.V.Mihailenko) (in Russian)

48. Solubility of the chain of equation for space- time moments. - Math. USSR Sb. 53(1986), N 2, p.p. 307-334

49. Analytic functionals and the unique solubility of quasilinear dissipative system for almost all initial conditions .- Trans. Moscow Math. Soc. 1987, p.p.1-55

50. To the question on solubility of the Caushy problem for the Laplace operator. - Moscow Univ. Math. Bull. 42 (1987) ( with A. Romanovich)

51. On uniqueness of the solution of the chain of moment equations corresponding to the three-dimensional Navier - Stokes system. Math.USSR Sb., Vol.62,(1989), N. 2. p.p. 465-490

52. The Cauchy problem for a second order elliptic equation in a conditionally well-posed formulation. Trans. Moscow Math. Soc. (1990),p.p.139-176

53. On the problem of the chain of moment equations in the case of large Reynolds number - Unclassical equations in the case of large Reynolds numbers. Unclassical equations and equations of mixed type. Publ. of Math. Inst. of Syberian section of Academy of Science of USSR, (1990), p.p.228-247 (in Russian)

54. Navier - Stokes equations from the point of view of the theory of ill-posed boundary value problems. Navier - Stokes equations theory and numerical methods, ed. J.G.Heywood et al.Lecture Notes in Mathimatics. 1431,1990,p.p.23-30.

55. Unique solubility of the chain of equations for space-time moment.- Russian Math.Surveys,40(5) 1985 .239-240 (in Russian).

56. Solubility "in whole" of chain of equations for space moments corresponding of smooth solutions of the three-dimensional Navier- Stokes system. Wiss.Z.T.H.Lenna-Merseburg,27,1985,p.p.613-612(in Russian)

57. Uniqueness of smooth solutions the chain of moment equations and the Hopf-Foias equation, corresponding to the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes system. Functional-differentional equations and their applications.1 North-Caucasus region conference.Mahachcala.1986 p.p.210-211(in Russian)

58. On the numerical method of energyusing minimization during nonstationar process of the thermoelectrical cooling. Dep.VINITI 24.04. N 3034-B86,p.p.1-14.

59. On uniqueness of the solutions of the chain of equations for space-time moments corresponding to the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes system. Russian Math.Surveys,41(4),1986.p.p.160-161

60. On uniqueness of solutions of the chain of moment equations and of the Hopf equation corresponding to the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes system. 1st World Congress of the Bernoulli society of Math.statistic and prob.theory.Theses v.2,p.699.Tashkent 1986.

61. About uniqueness of solutions the chain of equations for space moments corresponding to the tree-dimensional Navier-Stokes system. Theses of Int.Conf."Nonlinear seismology"Suzdal 31.10-11.1986.

62. Statistical hydromechanics: paper for Encyclopaedia on Probability Theory Moscow, for Encyclopaedia Pub. 1991 (in Russian) (with M.I. Vishik).

63. Hopf Equation: paper for Encyclopaedia on Probability Theory. Moscow. Sov. Encyclopaedia Pub. 1991 (in Russian) (with M.I. Vishik).

64. Hydromechanic Equations (statistical solutions): paper for Encyclopaedia on Probability Theory. Moscow. Sov. Encycl. Pub. 1991 (in Russian) (with M.I. Vishik).

65. On Cauchy problem for an elliptic equation. Theses of 6-th conf. "Nonlinear problems of mathemat. phys." Donetsk. 1987 p. 152. (in Russian).

66. Optimal control of systems described by the Navier - Stokes equations. Theses of All - Union conf. "Actual problems of modelling and control of distributed systems." Odessa. 8.9 - 10.9. 1987. Kiev. 1987 p.32.

67. Conditionally well - posed formulation of the Cauchy problem for on elliptic equation.- Theses of 2nd North-Caucasus conf.on Funct.-Duffer. eq. Mahachkala 1988.

68. Problem of turbulence(functional formulation) paper for Encyclopedia "Mathematical Physics".Moscow Encycl.Pub.(To appear in Russian)

69. On a method of closure of a chain of moment equations in the case large Reynolds numbers.-3d Int.Conf."Lavrentiev reading on mech.phys." 10.9-14.9.1990.Novosibirsk.p.p.58-59.

70. On the problem of closure of the Friedman-Keller chain of equations in the case of large Reynolds numbers.-Theses of seminar in Baku 25.9-28.9. 1990.p.p.32-33.

71. Necssary and sufficient conditions of extremum in the problem of optimal control of the system described by Cauchy problem for the Laplace operator. Russian Math.Surveys,44(4),1989,p.p.216-217.(in Russian).

72. On the statistical approach to the Navier-Stokes equations. The Navier-Stokes equations.Theory and numeral methods,ed. J.G.Heywood et al. Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1431,1990,p.p.40-48

73. Lagrange principle for problems of optimal control of illposed or singular distributed systems. J.Math.Pures Appl., 71(1992),p.p.139-195

74. The problem of closure of chains of moment equations corresponding to the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes system in the case of large Reynolds numbers.-Soviet Math.Dokl. 44(1)(1992),p.p.80-85

75. The theory of moments for Navier-Stokes equations with a random right-hand-side.-Izvestija Ross.Akad.Nauk,seria Math., 56(1992),N6,p.p.1311-1353(in Russian)

76. On e-controllability of the Stokes System with distributed control concentrated in subdomain.-Russian Math Surveys 47(1), 1992,p.217-218.(in Russian)(with O.Yu.Imanuilov)

77. The closure problem for the chain of the Friedman-Keller moment equations in the ease of large Reynolds numbers.- The Navier-Stokes equations II-Theory and Numerical Methods, ed.J.G.Heywood ef al. lecture Notes in Mathematics 1530,1991,p.p.226-245

78. The convergence velocity of approximations for the closure of the Friedman-Keller chain of equations in the case of large Reynolds numbers.-Math.Sbornik v.182,N2,1994,p.115-143 (with O.Yu.Imanuilov)

79. On approximate controllability of the Stokes system.-Ann. de la Facult'e des Science de Touluse,v.II,N2,1993,p.205-232(with O.Yu.Imanuvilov)

80. The convergence velocity by the closure of the chain of moment equations,corresponding to the Navier-Stokes system with a random right-hand-side. Diff.Uravn.v.30,N4,1994,p.699-711 (with O.Yu.Imanuvilov)

81. Certain problems of optimal control of the Navier-Stokes system with distributed control. IMA Preprint Series N 1348,October 1995, p.1-45.

82. On controllability of certain systems simulating a fluid flows. In Flow Control,IMA Vol.Math.Appl., 68, Ed. by Gunzburger,Springer-Verlag, New-York, 1995,p.149-184. (with O.Yu.Imanuilov)

83. On Exact Boundary Zero Controllability of two- dimensional Navier-Stokes Equations.-Acta Applic. Math.v.37,1994,p.67-76 (with O.Yu.Imanuvilov)

84. A Simple Proof of the Approximate Controllability from the Interior for Nonlinear Evolution Problems. Appl.Math.Lett. v.7,N5,(1994),p.85-87 (with J.I.Diaz)

85. Exact boundary zero controllability of three- dimensional Navier-Stokes Equations, Journ. of Dynamical and Control Systems.-v.1,N3,(1995) p.325-350.

86. Local exact controllability of the Navier-Stokes Equations.- C.R.Ac.Sc. Paris t.323, S\'erie 1, p.275-280 1996 (with O.Yu.Imanuvilov)

87. Local Exact Boundary Controllability of the Boussinesque Equations.- SIAM J. Control Optim.- v.36, N2, 1998, pp.391-421. (with O.Yu. Imanuvilov)

88. Local Exact Controllability for 2-D Navier-Stokes Equations. Matem.Sbornik v.187, N 9, 1996, p103-138, Sbornik:Mathematics 187:9, 1996, p.1355-1390 (with O.Yu.Imanuvilov)

89. Approximate controllability of the Stokes system on cylinders by external unidirectional forces. J.Math.Pure et Appl.,76 (1997) p.353-375 (with J.I.Diaz)

90. Boundary value problems and optimal boundary control for the Navier-Stokes system: the two- dimensional case.- SIAM J.Control Optim. v.36, N3 (1998) p.852-894 (with M.D.Gunzburger and L.S.Hou)

91.Controllability of Evolution equations.- Seoul National University, Seoul 151-742, Korea, 1996, 163 p. (With O.Yu. Imanuvilov)

92. Global Exact Controllability of the 2D Navier-Stokes Equations on a Manifold without boundary.- Russian J. of Math.Phys. v.4, N4, 1996, p.429-448. (with J.-M.Coron)

93. Local exact boundary controllability of the Navier-Stokes system.- Conterporary mathematics, V.209,1997,p.115- 129. (with O.Yu.Imanuvilov)

94. Time-periodic statistical solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations.- Lecture Notes in Physics, v.491, Turbulence Modelling and Vortex Dynamic, Boratav, Eden, Ersan (eds.) Springer-Verlag, 1997, p.123-147.

95. Local exact controllability of the Boussinesq equations.- Vestnik Ross. Un.Dr.Nar., ser. mat.N3, vyp.1, 1996, c.177-197 (with O.Yu.Imanuvilov)

96. Approximate controllability of Stokes system.- Vestnik Ross. Un.Dr.Nar., ser. mat.N 1, vyp.1, 1994. ‘. 89-108.

96. Mark Iosifovich Vishik (to 75-birthday)- Russian J. of Math.Phys. v.4, N4, 1996 (With M.S.Agranovich and other)

97. Mark Iosifovich Vishik (to 75 birthday).- Uspekhi Matem. Nauk, (to appear in 1997) (With M.S.Agronovich and other)

98. To 70-birthday of Vera Nikolaevna Maslennikova.- Vestnik Ross. Univ. Druzhby Nar. ser. Math. N3, vyp.1, 1996, pp.2-15 (in Russian) (With A.V.Arutiunov and other.)

99. Optimal Dirichlet Control and inhomogeneous boundary value problems for the unsteady Navier-Stokes equations.- Proceedings of the conference "Control and Partial Differential equations", CIRM, Marsi- elle- Luminy, June 16-20,1997. (With M.Gunzburger and S.Hou)

100. Optimal control of systems with distributed parameters. The- ory and applications. Naucnaya Knyga, Novosibirsk, 1999, 350 p.(in Russian)

101. Optimal Control of Distributed Systems. Theory and Applications.- Translations of Mathematical Monographs, v. 187, 2000, Amer. Math. Society, Providence, Rhode Island, 305 p.

102. Static Hedging of Barrier Options with a Smile: An inverse Problem.-ESAIM, Control, optimisation and Calculus of Variations. vol.8 (2002), p.127-142 (electronic) (With C. Bardos and R. Douady)

103. Optimal boundary control of the Navier-Stokes equations with bounds on the control.- to Proceedings of the Korean Advanced Institute for Science and Technology Workshop on Finite Elements.) 1999 (with M. Gunzburger and S.Hou)

104. Optimal Control Problems for Navier-Stokes system with distributed control function.- Chapter 6 in "Optimal Control of Viscous Flow" Ed. by S.S.Sritharan, SIAM, Philadelphia, 1998, p.109-150.

105. The closure problem for the Friedman-Keller infinite chain of moment equations, corresponding to the Navier-Stokes system.- Proceedings of the Second Monte Verita Colloquium on Turbulence, March 22-28, 1998, Trends in Mathematics, 1999, Birkhauser Verlag Bassel/Switzerland, pp.17-24.

106. On controllability of the Navier-Stokes equations.- Proceedings of the Second Monte Verita Colloquium on Turbulence, March 22-28, 1998, Trends in Mathematics, 1999 Birkhauser Verlag Bassel/Switzerland

107. Controllability property for the Navier-Stokes equations.- Proceedings of the International Conference on Control of Partial Differential Equations. Chemnitz, April 20-25, 1998, International Series of numerical Mathematics, Vol. 133, pp.157-165, 1999 Birkhauser Verlag Basel/Switserland

108. Exact controllability of the Navier-Stokes and Boussinesq equations.- Uspechi Matem. Nauk. v.54, N 3(327), 1999, p.93-146 (with O.Yu.Imanuvilov) (in Russian);English Translation: Russian Math. surveys, vol.54:3 (1999), 565-618.

109. On Boundary Zero Controllability of the Three-Dimentional Navier-Stokes Equations.-Theory of the Navier-Stokes Equations. Ed. by J.G Heywood and other, Ser. in Adv. of Math. for Appl. Sciences, vol. 47, 1998, p.p. 31-45.

110. Trace theorems for Three-Dimensional, time-dependent sole- noidal vector fields and their applications, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. v.354, (2002), 1079-1116. (with M.D.Gunzburger, L.S.Hou)

111. Stabilizability of quasi linear parabolic equation by feedback boundary control.-Sbornik: Mathematics, v.192:4 (2001), 593-639.

112. Stabilizability of Two-Dimensional Navier-Stokes equations with help of a boundary feedback control.-J. of Math. Fluid Mech. v.3, (2001), 259-301.

113. Exact Controllability and Feedback Stabilization from a boundary for the Navier-Stokes Equations.- "Control of Fluid Flow", P.Koumoutsakos, I.Mezic (eds.), Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, v. 330 Scpringer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, 2006, p.p. 173-187

114. Exact controllability from a boundary and stabilization by by boundary feedback control for parabolic equations and Navi- er-Stokes system.- Vestnik Tambovsk. Universiteta, vol. 5 (4), 2000, p.509 (in Russian)

115. Feedback stabilization for the 2D Navier-Stokes equations.- The Navier-Stokes equations: theory and numerical methods. Lecture Notes in pure and appl. Math., vol. 223, (2001) Marcel Dekker, Inc., New-York, Basel, pp.179-196.

116. Boundary value problems for three-dimensional evolutionary Navier-Stokes equations.- J. Math. Fluid Mech., vol.4:1 (2002),pp.45-75. (with M. Gunzburger and L. Hou)

117. Stabilization for the 3D Navier-Stokes system by feedback boundary control, Discrete and Cont. Dyn. Syst., v.10, no 1\&2, (2004), p.289-314.

118. Feedback stabilization for the 2D Oseen equations: additional remarks.- Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Control of Distributed Parameter Systems. International series of numerical mathematics, vol 143 (2002). Birkh\"aser Verlag pp.169-187.

119. Optimal boundary control for the evolutionary Navier-Stokes system: the three-dimensional case.- SIAM. J. Control Optim. v.43, N6, (2005),2191-2232. (with M. Gunzburger and L. Hou)

120. Real Process Corresponding to 3D Navier-Stokes System and Its Feedback Stabilization from Boundary .- Amer. Math. SSoc. Translations Series 2, v.206. Advances in Math. Sciences-51. PDE M.Vishik seminar. AMS Providence Rhode Island (2002), p.95-123.

121. Real Processes and Realizability of a Stabilization Method for Navier-Stokes Equations by Boundary Feedback Control.- Nonlinear Problems in Mathematical Physics and Related Topics II, In Honor of Professor O.A.Ladyzhenskaya, Kluwer/Plenum Publishers, New-York, Boston, Dordrecht, London, Moscow, 2002, p.137-177 (s.127-164 in Russian edition).

122. Stabilization from the boundary of solutions to the Navier-Stokes system: Solvability and justification of the numerical simulation.- Dalnevostochnyy Mat. J. v.4, N1, (2003) , p.86-100 (in Russian).

123. Feedback stabilization for Oseen fluid equations: a stochastic approach.- J.Math.Fluid Mech. 7 (4), (2005), 574-610. (with J.Duan)

124. Analyticity of stable invariant manifolds of 1D-semilinear parabolic equations.- Proceedings of Joint Summer Research Conference on Control Methods and PDE Dynamical Systems, F.Ancona, I.Lasiecka, W.Littman, R.Triggiani (eds.); AMS Contemporary Mathematics (CONM) Series 426, Providence, 2007, 219-242

125. Homogeneous and Isotropic Statistical Solutions of the Navier-Stokes Equations.- Math. Physics Electronic Journal, volume 12, paper No. 2, 2006 (with S.Dostoglou, J.D.Kahl)

126. Analyticity of stable invariant manifolds for Ginzburg-Landau equation.- Applied Analysis and Differential Equations, Iasi, September 4-9, 2006, World Scientific, 2007, 93-112.

127. Instability in models connected with Fluid Flows I.- International Mathematical Series, v.6, Springer, 2008 (Editor with C.Bardos)

128. Instability in models connected with Fluid Flows II.- International Mathematical Series, v.7, Springer, 2008 (Editor with C.Bardos)

129. Optimal Control.-Independent Univ.Pub., Moscow 2008 (with E.M.Galeev, M.I.Zelikin, S.V.Koniagin, G.G.Magaril-Il'yaev, N.P.Osmolovskiy, V.Yu.Protasov, V.M.Tikhomirov) (In Russian)

130. Stabilization of parabolic equations.- School-seminar "`Nonlinear Analysis and Extremal Problems"' June 23-30, 2008, Irkutsk, p.121-140 (in Russian)

131. The Ginzburg-Landau Equations for superconductivity with Random Fluctuations.-Sobolev Spaces in Mathematics III. Applications in Mathematical Physics. International Mathematical Series, v.10, Springer 2008, p.25-134. (with M.Gunsburger, J.Peterson)

132. Sergey L'vovich Sobolev (In the ocasion of his centenary).- Matematicheskoe obrazovanie, N2 (46), April-June 2008, p.8-15, (in Russian)

133. Sergey L'vovich Sobolev (In the ocasion of his centenary).- Potential N10 (46), 10.2008, p.5-10, (in Russian)

134. Optimal Neumann Control for the Two-dimensional Steady-state Navier-Stokes equations.- "`New Directions in Mathematical Fluid Mechanics"' (The Alexander V.Kazhikhov memorial volume), Advances in Mathematical Fluid Mechanics, Birkhauser Verlag Basel/Switzerland, 2010, p.193-221. (with R.Rannacher)

135. "`New Directions in Mathematical Fluid Mechanics"'(The Alexander V.Kazhikhov memorial volume), Advances in Mathematical Fluid Mechanics, Birkhauser Verlag Basel/Switzerland, 2010. (Editor with G.P.Galdi, V.V.Pukhnachev)

136. Local Existence Theorems with Unbounded Set of Input Data and Unboundedness of Stable Invariant Manifolds for 3D Navier-Stokes Equations,- Discrete and Continuous Dynamical System, Series S, v.3, N 2, (2010), p. 269-290.

137. Overflow of a body with viscous incompressible fluid: boundary value problems and fluid's work reduction.- Modern mathematics. Fundamental directions. v.37 (2010), p.83–130 (in Russian).

138. The simplest semilinear parabolic equation of normal type.-Mathematical Control and Related Fields(MCRF) v.2, N2, June 2012, p. 141-170

139. On one semilinear parabolic equation of normal type.-Proceeding volume "Mathematics and life sciences"© De Gruyter v.1, 2012, p.147-160

140. Feedback stabilization for Navier-Stokes equations: theory and calculations.-Proceedings volume "Mathematical Aspects of Fluid Mechanics", edited by J.C. Robinson, J.L. Rodrigo, W. Sadowski (LMS Lecture Notes Series),v.402, Cambridge University Press , 2012, p. 130-172(with A.A.Kornev).

141. Certain questions of feedback stabilization for Navier-Stokes equations.-Evolution equations and control theory (EECT), v.1, N1, 2012, p.109-140 (with A.V.Gorshkov).

142. On the Normal Semilinear Parabolic Equations Corresponding to 3D Navier-Stokes System..-D.Homberg and F.Troltzsch (Eds.): CSMO 2011, IFIP AICT 391, pp. 338-347, 2013 (Proceedings vol. of 25-th IFIP TC7 Conf., Lecture Notes in computer sciences, Shringer )

143. Marko Iosifovich Vishik (obituary). UMN v.68, N2 (2013),197-200 (in Russian) (with M.S.Agranovich, A.S.Demidov, Yu.A.Dubinsky, A.I.Komech, S.B.Kuksin, A.P.Kuleshov, V.P.Maslov, S.P.Novikov, V.M.Tikhomirov, V.V.Chepyzhov, A.I.Shnirelman, M.A.Shubin, G.I.Eskin)

144. On the Normal-type Parabolic System Corresponding to the three-dimensional Helmholtz System.- Advances in Mathematical Analysis of PDEs. Proc.St.Petersburg Math.Soc. v.XV; AMS Transl.Series 2, v.232 (2014), 99-118.

145. Stabilization of the simplest normal parabolic equation by starting control. Communication on Pure and Applied Analysis, v.13,N5,September (2014),1815-1854.

146. On one estimate, connected with the stabilization of normal parabolic equation by starting control.-Fundamental and applied mathematics (in Russian) (with L.S.Shatina) (to appear)