Professor of chair of General Control Problems
Address: Department of Mechanics and Mathematics,
Moscow State University, Vorob'evy Gory,
119992 Moscow, Russia
The Main Building, Room 13-14
Telephone: (7-495)-939-56-32,
Fax: (7-495)-939-20-90
E-mail: fursikov at gmail dot com
Scientific interests: Partial Differential Equations, Navier-Stokes equations, Mathematical problems of statistical Hydromechanics, Control for Systems with Distributed Parameters, Extreme Problems.
Author of more than 140 scientific publications including four monographs.
Recipient of a Alexander von Humboldt Research Award, Germany, (2004)
Honorary Professor of Moscow state University (2009)
Recent papers.
Special Courses: "Optimal Control Problems for Distributed Parameter Systems", "Controllability of Parabolic Equations and Navier-Stokes Systems", "Feedback Stabilization of solutions for Navier-Stokes Systems from the boundary of a domain"
The member of Editorial Boards of the Journals
“Mat.zametki”, “Journ. Dynamical Control Syst. (JDCS)”, “J. Mathem. Fluid Mech. (JMFM)”, “Evolution eq. and control theory” (EECT),
“Interdiscipliary Math. Sciences” (book series),
"Mathematical hydrodynamics and oceanography "(Institute of Oceanology of Russian Academy of Sciences)",
“Bulletin of the South Ural State University”, “Proceedings of IMM of NAS of Azerbaijan”